From J. Kb’s post:

It is not like the country hates New York, but is simply tired of the attitude of faux superiority toughness they have till shit goes down, specially when they step out of the Five Burroughs.  I believe that if 9/11 happened today, about 2/3 of the country would go: ” Meh. <clicks remote> Hon, what do you want for supper? Pizza?”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “It is not that people hate New York…”
  1. I think I’ve been saying that since about March of last year when all the Rona shit was ramping up.

    Any shred of goodwill that New York and NYC had left after 9/11 has been taken out behind the barn and put down. Not a single person I know has anything positive to say about NY or the NY attitude. Especially when all the talk about how tough NYC residents are turned to shit and they ran for the hills when they were faced with being sequestered in that hellhole for an indeterminate amount of time.

    Made me realize why most zombie and plague movies involve blowing the bridges out of Long Island and machine gun nests.

  2. Speaking as a former NYer, I can say I do not love NY.

    In fact, when my Dad passed, I swore an oath to never go back to NY ever again. (I have modified that oath to allow travel to upstate NY, but the NYC Metro Area, including all of Long Island is a no go zone for me.)

    And, there is nothing in your post that is incorrect in any way. The smug sense of self importance is the reason I do not want to go there in any way.

  3. and they all moved to all the previously red states and are now working on voting in the same morons/high taxes they fled from.

  4. TDW-Mark II and I have a story of a vacation with my brother and his family in VT, wherein one of my brother’s friends from law school, a Manhattanite, proceeded to teach TDW-Mark II how gun shows *REALLY* work.


    Which, of course, was ironic inasmuch as TDW-Mark II had JUST (as in ten days before) purchased a AR pattern rifle (in 6.8 rem spl! help, please?). Which stopped brother’s friend…not at all, in fact, as he informed my wife that what she had, indeed, experienced, was not what had actually happened.

    It was when I observed that either he was accusing my wife of lying to his face, or of being an imbecile, as my hand tightened on the stein (of soda), that my brother diverted me (both successfully as well as in a timely manner) asking some bit of firearm law arcana.

    My brother saved a man’s life, that night!

    I’m so proud!

    and, yes, New Yawkers (spit!) trend toward being assholes.

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