By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on ““It is not the same!””
  1. Chris: The federal government represents all of us, Israel is the sherif [sic] for one county and the voters in that county should decide.”

    So if the federal government represents all of us, then shouldn’t we all decide on Trump’s impeachment, and not a cadre of hardcore Trump- and GOP-hating Leftists in Congress? Glad to see you on board!

    And yes, Israel is the sheriff (spell check works, man!) of one county, but the state government provides oversight to investigate and discipline exactly the kind of clusterf#$k incompetence and malfeasance that brought about Parkland. They are doing their job, as authorized and chartered by state law, as decided by the whole state of Florida, including Broward County.

    Because that’s how a representative republic form of government works. Schmuck.

    It is true that “that’s not the same thing at all”, but it’s also probably true that Chris here can’t explain the difference.

  2. In my state civics course a couple of basic principles were taught –
    – Cities and counties are ‘children of the state’ and have no sovereign rights.
    – The the Federal Government your Representative represents you and your district.

    And that is about all that is relevant here.

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