OK, audio helps.

He did not like the heckler and reacted poorly. He sounded like the grumpy old neighbor telling the kids next door to pipe down.
It is what? 9 weeks till the elections?

Do you really see energized Democrats anywhere? I am not even getting mailers or door hangers which used to be a staple down here. I am getting texts an pics by the Republicans not constantly, but 2 or 3 short of becoming an annoyance.

Maybe I am biased, but I see much more energy from the Republicans and I am in a Blue County.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “It is optics, I keep telling you.”
  1. The dems are going to loose big time and they know it. This is just like friggin kerrys “can I get me a huntin license here?”or stupid warren “lm gonna get me a beer”. Fuk em. Ignore them. I dont care what these lame elitist assholes do or say. If We the People get our stuff together we can keep them on the outside

  2. Other aspects of Joe’s talk: he spoke in a hall with just a handful of specially invited VIPs. Outside were a few hundred spectators. He took no questions. In fact, he hasn’t done serious interviews in a very long time — a year perhaps?

  3. There isn’t a Biden-Harris yard sign or bumper stick anywhere in my neighborhood. This time, last year, there were Sanders or Yang signs in nearly every yard. Heck, even one brave soul had an honest to god Klobuchar sign. None of those houses have Biden-Harris signs now.

    Bear in mind that in the 2016 general election, Trump came in at third place in my voting precinct. Behind Clinton and Stein.

    There is a palpable lack of enthusiasm for Joe Biden here in Portland. He’s still gonna win Portland and maybe all of Multnomah County, but he might not actually win the entire state of Oregon. If enough of Portland’s progressives decide not to bother voting, the rural counties might finally be able to swing this state into the red column.

  4. I keep hoping that one or more of the states that have promised that “our electoral college votes will go to the winner of the national popular vote” will have to cast their votes for Trump. We’ll see if the confluence of the enthusiam gap, the “Biden’s brain’s gone” gap, and the “I don’t want antifa violence” gap gets us there….


  5. “Do you really see energized Democrats anywhere?”

    I would still be prepared for the yuuge amount of fraud the DemonKKKrats are gonna pull this November.
    Just ‘cuz you don’t see them yelling rah-rahs for uncle *touchy* Biden doesn’t mean they aren’t quietly planning how to steal the 2020 election using what they learned trying to steal the 2016 election.

    1. Even then, I suspect that the vote fraud will be perfunctory and half hearted, with more of a focus on protecting Dems already in office.

  6. I suspect the lack of active campaigning from the dims is due, at least in part, to the fact that at least some of them are counting on a contested election ending in their favor.

    1. The other possibility is that they’ll aim for a Uuuuuuge loss to Trump, then use the opportunity to purge the radicals and crazies. ‘Follow The Money’ still applies in this case. A lot of the big Dem money people absolutely know that they’ll be up against the wall should Antifa win, so more power for them isn’t a consideration. Likewise, when Dem strongholds are being burnt and looted, the money isn’t coming in.
      Consider the 1972 election.

  7. I have seen only one tiny (like they were embarrassed) Biden-Harris car bumper sticker versus a huge Trump flag in front of a house, here in Northern California. We even had a recall our POS governor sign up event nearby.

    I guess a few Democrats actually realize that a Biden win would spell suicide for America. Still, a lot of them do hate America and they will try to steal the election by voting multiple times (both mail in and in person) and via fraudulent ballots.

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