From a comment left on the previous post.

And I replied to his comment, but I thought, “Hey’ let’s give this whole thing a bigger spotlight. It may get lost in the clutter and it would a shame.


““Wanna”? “Gonna?” is that the kind of illiteracy you “wanna” use to represent a literate constituency? If you pretend to represent firearms owners, I would hope that you would be more literate, at least! “

I am so sorry to have caused offense your honorable Grammar Hauptscharführer. My only excuse is that English is not my native language, only the third and I learned it well into adulthood.

“We are already dealing with a liberal constituency which tends to typify us as knuckle-draggers; “

I have posted this before: That they consider us stupid is the best thing it could happen. They never see us coming because they think we do not have the mental preparation to beat them.

“the least you could do is to use proper English skills if you expect to represent us …”

Then again you can open your own blog and write in the “proper” English, just make sure your spell checker is set for British English and let’s hope that using that particular side of the language does not show how much of an asshole you are.

“especially when discussing the manner in which high-school students perceive us.”
One thing I learned the hard way was that I should not care what other people think about me, specially those who still do not know squat about life nor pay my bills. Now, you wanting to appear cool to kids is kinda creepy. Do you hang around much with kids so young? Do their parents know? Are you a catholic Priest?

“It’s bad enough that we are all, as Americans, dealing with the slaughter of teen-agers”
Elmer? Is that you? next you?

“the least you could do is to allow us to be portrayed as literate adults.”

Maskirovka, baby!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “It seems I have offended people with my lack of English Language skills.”
  1. 2 more languages than I know and you write better in the one that I grew up with, so F that guy and the horse he was screwing when he got here,

  2. I saw his comment and wasn’t exactly sure what he was going on about. I guess once the anti’s get a load of his eloquence it will be game over for them, they will stop trying to ban guns.

  3. Douchebags are gonna douchebag.

    Yeah, I said “gonna”. Don’t like that colloquialism? Du kanst mein arsch kussen.

  4. People really get torqued that English is a living language.

    In a remarkably short time from now we’re going to have to use context to sort out there, their and they’re because just one will be used for all three. The trick will be getting it to settle down to a single one most people agree to.

    Wanna and gonna give the same hives as ain’t. Donchaknow?

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