By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on ““It was a White guy this time!” The Media is happy to finally report one.”
  1. I am sure the reason Asians were shot was because of bias over the China Flu. Which of course means President Trump is partly responsible.

  2. Narrative has shifted now. The perp is a sex addict and had visited those parlors before for “services”. He snapped and went insane and felt bad about his sex addiction, so he wanted to stop it in the most insane way possible. If anything it proves he certainly loved Asians (I guess too much), so now the twitteratti are trying to say he’s a misogynist (still doesn’t make sense), and that it’s somehow still tied to white supremacy, even if they can’t prove it.

    1. Check my comment on rantburg about this. Only thing I got wrong was I didn’t think he was a frequent customer of the parlors, but a naif that just found out what happened in them and thought he was the Wrath of God.

      He remains a monster, and it’s a shame he didn’t learn “thou shalt not murder” deeper than he learned “sex is icky”.

  3. Also to add, a similar thing happened locally in the SF Bay Area a few days ago, when — FINALLY — they caught a white dude committing assault on a young Filipino gal at the commuter train station. My lib friends were gloating, cuz “finally , a white guy! This proves it!” — nevermind that all the other attacks were done by non-white minorities. I don’t know the status of how that event is currently going, but it appears that white attacker was probably homeless, suffered mental problems, but regardless it probably isn’t your run-of-the mill MAGA-hat wearing conservative redneck.

  4. “My lib friends were gloating, cuz “finally , a white guy! This proves it!” — nevermind that all the other attacks were done by non-white minorities.”

    Uh, P-Dog: are your liberal friends actually that self unaware? “Finally, a white guy”?

    Can they not see that their phrasing establishes that they *KNOW* that white guys are disproportionately NOT the problem?

    1. Sorry, I probably should have rephrased it. They didn’t literally say it, but their actions kind of suggest it. Suddenly expressing outrage over this horrendous attack (when it’s a white dude), and giving angry face emojis on FB. Initially they used to do that in Feb when the attacks started an uptick, but as soon as the pattern emerged that it was mostly black dudes assaulting Asians, they either slowly stopped linking those kind of stories, or just didn’t comment on them. Except when it’s a white guy who’s the perp. hahha.

  5. The story today will be “White Guy Kills Asians!”

    The story next week is going to be “White Guy Kills Women!”

    When it goes to court “white guy kills sex workers, the most commonly targeted victim”

    (I don’t know if sex workers are most commonly targeted, but all of my true crime shows seem to have a lot of sex workers being killed)

    1. Prostitution — in places it’s illegal — involves getting into a car with a stranger and going someplace secluded. Or going to a hotel room with a stranger. Add in drug use (by either or both parties) and mentally unbalanced people (like today’s shooter), and the danger is obvious.

      1. Not to mention that prostitutes, in places where it is illegal, are often enslaved by pimps, and those are a bigger and more persistent danger to their welfare than the customers are.

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