Senate Republicans push for concealed carry reciprocity in new Second Amendment bill

Republican Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., today will introduce new Second Amendment reforms that would allow state-issued concealed carry permits to be recognized in other states that allow concealed carry.

The bill, the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, is backed by more than 40 of their Senate colleagues, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Senate Minority Whip John Thune, R-S.D.

“I’m proud to support law-abiding gun owners across America with this commonsense legislation that would let them concealed carry in all states that allow it,” said Cornyn, who sits on the Senate judiciary, finance and intelligence committees.

The measure treats state-issued concealed carry permits like drivers’ licenses, as people can use their home-state license to drive in another state but must abide by that other state’s speed limit or road laws.

This is the the way it should be, and now that Bruen has made all of America shall issue, there is no reason not to have 50 state CCW reciprocity.

But Biden won’t sign it and the Republicans don’t have a veto proof majority.

But maybe if the Republicans win the presidentcy in 2024, there is hope for this to be passed into law.

Especially under President DeSantis if Florida goes Constitutional Carry.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “It won’t pass but it’s a good sign for things to come”
  1. This doesn’t have to pass, we already have the full faith and credit clause, Heller and Bruen and of course the 2A. SCOTUS just needs to kick some ass.

  2. Two things- I really really WISH they would STOP saying “this is common sense”….
    And the bill “allows Constitutional carry in states that ALREADY allow it”…. Uumm you mean the 25 states that have passed it? Is this a mis statement or am I reading it wrong?

  3. “But maybe if the Republicans win the presidentcy in 2024, there is hope for this to be passed into law.”

    Do you mean like happened during Obamaos rein, when we gave the rinos the house, then the senate, then President Trump to get laws passed or deleted, like ObamaoCare? Yep, things are looking up, for sure./s

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