By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “It’s 1961 all over again in Seattle”
  1. Huh. 😐 Wish I could say this surprises me. Really.

    The mental gymnastics these morons have do to think this is acceptable are probably more complex than quantum mechanics. Sheesh.

  2. It is pure, simple human greed. Nothing more.

    Greed? Yep. Greed. Why greed? Economics 101.

    Leftist are attempting to replace the traditional means of success (hard work, knowledge, doing the right thing) with a system where your value is determined by skin color, religion, sex, victimhood status, whatever.

    And, what invariably happens when a system of worth is established? People want MORE of it. They want higher standing in the Party, so they will rat out friends. They need more victim status, so they will fake a hate crime.

    When that higher level of status is obtained, human nature says they have to flaunt it. In the workers paradises of socialist countries, it is through new cars, fancy houses, large parties, etc… In the CHAZ, it is through the establishment of a zone where you cannot go with insufficient victim points.

    1. This makes perfect sense. A worthless criminal piece of scum like Al Sharpton got rich pulling this exact sort of scheme; it makes sense that other worthless scum would attempt to imitate him.

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