If you were not aware, the Saudi Government took the incredible step of closing prayers at the Grand Mosque in Mecca because of the Coronavirus.

This is how Yemeni Muslims reacted:

The Saudi royal family?  Jews.

Closing Mecca to stop the spread of Coronavirus?  Jews.

The Coronavirus?  A Jewish plot.

These people know one thing and one thing only.  Anti-Semitism.

If you want to know why the Middle East is the way that it is, this is why.  You have countries that have the resource curse populated by people whose heads are filled with nothing but obsessive Jew-hatred.

No wonder they are such shitholes.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “It’s always the fault of the JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS – Mecca Coronavirus edition”
  1. The problem with being a sarcastic SOB is too often you become a prophet.

    Posted on March 18, 2020 in response to “You know who it’s not racist to blame the Coronavirus on?” https://gunfreezone.net/you-know-who-its-not-racist-to-blame-the-coronavirus-on/

    Sooo, Israel knew the Iranians has a penchant for licking statues and tailored a virus to exploit that foible, and through a desire to conquer the world they somehow released the virus in the Wuhan wet food market so the Chinese get blamed for it. The stupid, it burns.

  2. I wonder what the muslims would do if the Jews disappeared? What if their wish was granted, and Israel and Judaism was in fact wiped out?

    Peace in the middle east, right???

    (I crack me up sometimes….)

  3. I cannot wait for the day that we develop a reliable and cheap alternative to petrochemicals for producing plastics and fuel. Then we can let these bastards collapse back into the ineffectual, unimportant, and completely ignored backwaters they were from the 15th through 19th Centuries.

    1. If you want to read an interesting account of life in the Mideast pre-oil, check out Mark Twain’s “Innocents Abroad.”

  4. Part of the problem is that the Arab power elites depend on hatred of Israel to preserve their power. They rightly believe that without an external enemy to distract the masses the Arab Street will realize how badly they are being screwed and start storming palaces and removing heads.

    1. This is the entire basis of the Palestinian problem. Palestinian leaders can’t let the Palestinians stop hating the Jews for one second or they would notice how the leaders have stolen every last penny of aid from the people, leaving them in destitution.

    2. This is hardly a new phenomenon. If you read the Koran through the historical/literary lens of treating it as an account of Mohammed’s rise to sociopolitical power in pagan Arabia (and rearrange it into the chronological order it was written in and not the religious canon it’s presented in) you find that Mohammed quickly moves from “this Yahweh god of the Jews and Christians is better than what we’ve got, let me teach you how to pray to him” and into “the Jews are the source of every evil in your life, let me lead you, I’ll make the Jews stop being mean to you, give me ultimate power.”

  5. The fact that this psychopath is described as a “scholar” is a good explanation why Arab science has not produced anything in the past 1000 years.

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