That was a savage attack.

Then the man walks off the train like nothing happened.

Everyone else just stands there and watches as an innocent man is given brain damage (being knocked and choked unconscious causes brain damage).

Frankly, it’s hard to blame them, who would want to risk attracting the wrath of a violent savage like that.

That’s what happens when people are disarmed.

Had this savage done this in Florida, Texas, or most any other shall issue, no-duty-to-retreat state, I could almost guarantee his being stopped by a hollowpoint from a good samaritan.

It’s always the places that ban guns where shit like this happens because violent savages know that no one has the power to stop them.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “It’s ALWAYS the places you can’t carry a gun where you need one – savage anti-Asian beating in NYC with a bonus shoutout to Kitty Genovese”
  1. There was another article I saw this morning about an asian woman being attacked. No description of the attacker. Had to go to another site to find a pic.

    There’s a trend. They don’t want to talk about it. But it’s there.

    1. Pretty much illegal.

      Well, they outlawed “gravity” knives, assisted open knives, and automatic knives have been verboten since West Side Story was in the theaters.

      Even tradesman have gotten in hot water because they have a razor in their tool bag. The most dangerous weapon available to your average NYer is harsh language.

    2. @Marc: Some are IIRC. I have a memory of a “gravity knife” problem with police. If the cop could flick your knife open even taking numerous tries, it was illegal.

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