I counted eight punches and one head stomp.

Remember, one punch can kill, I’ve documented that plenty of times on this blog.

The victim took a severe beating.

This is one of those times where a snubby would really come in handy.

Up close and personal like that, just press the muzzle into the assailant and buy yourself a ticket to be seated in the soak zone.  But is dammed effective as a fight stopper.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “It’s always the places you can’t carry where you need a gun the most – pummeled in NYC edition”
  1. Last night I saw R mayoral candidate Sliwa on the TV news. He was reacting to this event (or another mugging, perhaps) by calling for more security cameras. What an idiot.
    If he really wanted to look like he’d make a difference he should call for enforcement of the 2nd Amendment in NYC, and Shall Issue. For one thing, he’d get some publicity doing that. And he might actually get a few votes.

  2. Well, it’s NYC. A snubbie might not be something available for this fellow to purchase readily, and certainly he can’t carry it…legally. At contact range like this an icepick is just as effective, if not more so.

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