This is a Kafka Trap:

You are guilty of a crime they accuse you of without evidence. The accusation itself is the all the evidence they need.  If you deny the accusation that is proof of your guilt.  Admitting your guilt does not buy you leniency, they will come down on you twice as hard.

This is called a Kafka Trap in reference to the Kafka work The Trial.

This was also the methodology of the Soviets and Chinese for political show trials.

This is being done to us for the same nefarious reasons.  It is not for justice but to break the will of those who try to resist with logic, reason, and the traditional values of Western jurisprudence.

They are not interested in equality or equity, they are interested in crushing us with a system we cannot resist with reason.

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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “It’s called a Kafka Trap”
  1. As the late Billy Mays said, “BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!”

    If you deny the accusation, it’s proof of your guilt.
    If you admit the accusation, it’s proof of your guilt.
    If you point out such rhetoric creates the very behavior they deplore, it’s proof of your guilt.
    If you refuse to engage them (‘sod off’), it’s proof of your guilt.

    There’s nothing you can do to persuade them, except to make it abundantly clear any action taken against you will be returned a hundredfold or more.

    I would rather be loved and respected, but if certain people don’t want to leave me alone, then I will happily take being feared.

  2. Two kinds of dudes in this world. One, will recognize the absurdity of her words. The other kind couldn’t tell you her hair or eye color after watching the video ten times in a row.

  3. I got canceled before getting canceled was a thing, way back in 1997. I was still a teenager but I ended up getting expelled from high school my senior year, losing my (menial) job, and getting my college acceptance revoked.

    Kafkatrapping is a real thing and was absolutely used on me. I distinctly remember being told that my refusal to admit that I was guilty of the (quite serious) things I had been accused of was “part of the problem” and “would factor in to [my] punishment.”

    When you’re in the middle of it, the offer of “just confess and this goes away” actually seems quite reasonable and attractive. You view it as a simple misunderstanding, and if you can just put your side of the story in writing, people will understand how crazy the person accusing you is being.

    Nope. My description of the events was then used as evidence of my guilt. It wasn’t even a confession, just a recounting of the events. I specifically refuted the accusations. None of it mattered. All the promises of “it will just go away if you cooperate” were just a ruse to get me to sign a confession-that-wasn’t-a-confession. They did everything to me that they’d already decided they were going to do.

    I ended up moving out of state, getting my GED, and working in construction for a few years before going to community college and then on to a 4 year state school.

    I was never arrested or charged with a crime. I was also never able to clear my name with people who knew me at the time, and to this day there are people out there who think I was proven guilty and sent to prison because I just…disappeared from school one day and all they heard was rumors.

    You absolutely find out who your friends are, that’s for sure.

    And almost 25 years later, watching it happen to other people with some regularity, it makes me FURIOUS.

  4. So a self identified white racist is telling other white folks they’re racist. Will she please report to the train station for her trip to the re-education camp.

      1. …as if that will exonerate her!

        She’s simply a racist, attempting to compensate for her racist racism.

  5. My annual “ethic and compliance” training included an admonition not to get “defensive” if someone accuses you of racism just because you’re white.

  6. I am a Racist if I am White?

    Maybe I should take it to heart?

    Mom and Dad told me to “Always Exceed Expectations!”
    I guess I can really become really racist.

    Do they really want to go there?

  7. That means she’s a racist and I can play my race card, because I’m Ashkenazi which means I’m not actually “white” and I can start jumping down woke twit’s throat over her bigotry

  8. You want white supremacists and white racists to flourish and increase? This. This is how you turn “Meh, whatever” people into racists, bigots, haters.

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