First Kentucky, now Florida.
A Florida elementary school is under fire after taking grade-school kids on a field trip to a gay bar – one that offers sexual pun-laden menu items such as Rhoda Cowboy and Ivana Hooker.
Broward County school board member Sarah Leonardi shared photos to social media of a group of children from Wilton Manors Elementary School at Rosie’s Bar and Grill, a famed LGBT hangout.
‘I was SO honored to be invited to chaperone Wilton Manors Elementary’s field trip to the incredible Rosie’s! The students and I had a fun walk over and learned a lot about our community! A huge thank you to Rosie’s Bar and Grill for hosting this special field trip every year!’ Leonardi posted to Twitter and Facebook on Thursday.
What in that child grooming fuck is this?
What the fuck is wrong with school administrators these days?
“No, J.Kb. this country isn’t run by a cabal of predatory pedophiles who use public institutions to groom children. That’s a conspiracy theory, why would you think that’s real.”
I don’t fucking know, have you been seen where elementary school field trips are going?
The wood chipper is going to be very fucking busy today.
And to Ish, the answer is feet first. Always feet first for rapists and pedophiles.
I’m not familiar with Florida laws, but… is taking kids to a bar (as in, establishment primarily devoted to serving intoxifying liquors) even legal?
Seriously??? $3.50 for a soda?
I think that I am more concerned that this school board member is “honored” to be a chaperone on such a trip.
I am reminded of a Newton, MA elementary class (or school—I forget) went to a sex ed program that was well beyond their ages an they were instructed not to tell their parents. Fortunately, some did tell.
FYI, in MA it is illegal for minors to be in an establishment like a bar.
I’ve long been convinced that this is true for school superintendents, and it appears to be true for many school boards as well: a functioning brain is a disqualification for the job.
Certainly the things I see on both national and MA nightly TV news serves to confirm this observation over and over.
Feet first n ssssslllllooooowwww….. you cant make this stuff up.
So… where do they go to familiarize the kids with straight meat-market culture?
I wonder how some of these good ol’boys and girls are gonna react to this Pedophilia.
Many of us are Pro Chippper.
But are ya gone do it? ? Seriously.
(Directed at no one, just a loose statement/question generalized)
Time to start plans and building. Junk yard here i come.
Ya dont need some industrial rig.
A small home brew will get it done.
One at a time works for me, i dont need to stuff entire …. in at the same time.
There has to be solid info out there on these and building them.
Be nice to see some homebrew’s one day.
What a great post that would make.
“Chipper Day Show’em”
While I get it, and, indeed, am sympathetic, my opinion is that DRD is DRD, and a 22 LR behind the ear is just as effective, quieter, and can process more jackwagons per unit time.
But, that’s just me.
… today’s ammo prices!?
Well, I *DID* buy around 4K rounds @ 4¢ a round, in 2019, so…..
But the perverts won’t feel anything, what’s the fun in simply turning out the lights?
I am a big fan of simplicity. The task before me completed, I can get to a task that I would enjoy, as differentiated from an onerous duty toward cleaning up the landscape.
It’s like an infection. I have no investment in the bacteria’s/virus’s quality of life, good or bad. I simply want to extirpate every one afflicting my child, for example.
Knew exactly how this story was going to go when I saw it was “Wilton Manors Elementary”. There is precedent there . . .
It’s time for someone with better editing skills than me to update the caption on the IRA man meme to “Seamus, start the woodchipper!”