Last week eight people were shot by a sex-addicit incel who went on a rampage against rub-and-tug parlors.

Yesterday a possible Jihadi shot ten people at a grocery store.

This nation has been stressed to the limit.

Antifa/BLM/Leftists are rioting and burning some cities almost nightly.

Kids are killing themselves at a record rate.

Violent crime in every major city is up and through the roof.

Take a ride on the NYC subway, if you’re lucky you’ll just get peed on.  If you’re unlucky you’re gonna get stabbed.

The lockdowns and COVID paranoia has brought this country to the edge of its sanity.

If there is one more national lockdown people are going to be killing each other over guzzline.

By the way, I call dibs on “Immortan J.Kb.”  Miguel is a reloaded so he can be the Bullet Farmer.

But social media only wants to focus on white men and guns.


It’s easier than admitting our Government broke our fucking minds and nose-dived the greatest economy this country had ever seen into the fucking shitter because Orange Man Bad and so a bunch of geriatric politicians to save their own asses at the expense of the child, again for the countless time.

So what are we going to get?

Gun control.  More lockdowns.  More civil rights restrictions.

Just wait until the next person whose life got turned upside down and dipped in shit comes apart at the seams and takes his pain and suffering out on a bunch of innocents, I’m expecting to be sent to a fucking gulag.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “It’s guns and white men”
  1. We still armed to the teeth and out number the lot of em… gettin US into a gulag is gonna be fun. Hang tuff Mr J. America will start ignoring them more and more. The whole democrat rien is falling apart.

  2. Why? Why why why why why why why…..
    Are we taking this and not marching, demonstrating and generally saying, “No. Enough?” Why are Republicans like this? I have tried organizing locally with little success. It seems all the tough talk has come to nothing. When will conservatives support action?

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