For the week, the talking point the Democrats and the Media have pushed is that any mention of election fuckery is the “Big Lie” of Goebbels proportion.

But here we have Hillary Clinton talking to Nanci Pelosi implying that, even after there were multiple investigations of Trump which all proved no collusion between Trump and Putin, Trump was merely a puppet of Putin and Putin orchestrated that storming of the Capitol through Trump.

So now everyone who supported Trump isn’t just a white supremacist but is a Russian agent as well.

But that’s not a “Big Lie.”

These people are going to tear this country in half irreparably.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “It’s never the “Big Lie” when they tell it”
  1. They say it right there: it was a “terrorist attack”.
    If you voted Trump, you are a terrorist. They’ve been saying that since the 6th. I don’t know why it passes over so many people.

    1. Oh, it hasn’t passed over some of us.

      But keep in mind, that to the left, words are just one more weapon to throw around willy-nilly. It never ever occurs to them that someone might take offense.

      One of the memes they like to pass around like a joint is ‘well, if what we say turns you into a Nazi, maybe you were just a Nazi already’. Which betrays a hilarious lack of awareness, as they’ve been arguing against that in regards to Islamic radicalization.

      They’re radicalizing millions of Americans and they don’t even care because they think it’ll never come back to haunt them.

  2. They really believe their own bullshit. That’s the scary part.

    They are going to keep this up until there’s blood flowing in the streets and the country is destroyed.

    And as many know, this is the most dangerous state – one where these old broads are still ambulatory, out and about, just before you realize the old girls need to be in a home, where they can babble this nonsense to the TV and the other old bats.

    Normally, your only worry would be grandma hitting someone with a car, or burning up the stove by forgetting something. Here. we have to worry about the old broads burning the country down.

  3. Toastrider hit the nail on the head with this:

    “But keep in mind, that to the left, words are just one more weapon”

    To the left, conservative’s words are violence. That is why they have no problem reacting to a conservative exercising free speech with a violent “protest” or other threats. Words are violence, because they have weaponized the language.

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