We really dodged a bullet when this asshole wasn’t put on the Supreme Court.


This is how they are going to establish the narrative that Antifa sieging a Federal Courthouse for months isn’t terrorism but the storming of the Capitol is.

If it’s during daylight business hours it’s terrorism, if not it’s just a crime.

Yeah, I know, it’s a ludicrous standard that will only invite attack between 5:01 pm and 7:59 am, but this answers the question about Antifa vs Trump rioters enough to justify a partisan prosecution in a kangaroo court to anyone who might be watching.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “It’s only insurrection during daylight hours”
  1. Antifa wanted to burn down the courthouse, destroying the records and evidence housed inside. That would have disrupted operations of the court.

    Why are they so transparently corrupt?

  2. Why?

    Because they can.

    And the idiotic rationalization s are only there as an additional “fyvm”.

  3. Ah, uh, umm, uh, hmm… This is the brilliant legal mind Obama wanted to be a Supreme Court Justice.

  4. Never mind that antifa/blm’s blockade and siege of the Federal Courthouse in Portland was going on 24/7 and disrupted daytime operations, too. This isn’t even a double-standard, as is typical with the Left. This is 100% falsehood!

    Maybe … just maybe … he’s speaking metaphorically. As in, “Since antifa/blm took root, a darkness has settled over Portlandia; it is always as night there.”

    Nah. That would be far too introspective and honest. And besides, metaphor has no place — and should never have a place — in interpreting literal law. Otherwise the law can mean anything you want if you can make a sufficiently-plausible analogy.

    (Which might actually be the point. Hmmm…. This bears further consideration.)

  5. It’s worse than that. They are saying that violence is only violence if there is a specific person that you can point to as a victim. This is how they can say that the siege of the court house in Portland isn’t violence, but saying mean things or ‘misgendering’ some person with tits, long hair, and a 9 inch cock is violence.

    1. Oh yay, that means if someone just disappears, it’s not really violence?

      Boy, they are just hellbent on uncorking that can of worms, aren’t they?

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