This is not something to be proud of.

He has been arrested once every 6 weeks for the same crime.  I guess whatever punishment he’s being subjected to isn’t enough to dissuade him from committing the same crime again.

If he’s been caught 13 times and is still doing it, just think about how many times he’s gotten away with it to make this enterprise worth it.

I suddenly understand Sharia law.

Without a right hand and left foot you can’t work a throttle or shifter on a motorcycle.

God, California is a shithole.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “It’s time for Sharia law”
  1. They keep letting him back on the street so he doesn’t get the wuflu from jail.

    A single bullet would stop him ever committing a crime again.

  2. The problem, of course, is that after you remove hand and foot then you’ll be supporting him forever because he can’t work.

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