By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “I’ve seen the original and it sucked enough, I’m not interested in the gritty reboot.”
  1. ? Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
    Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
    Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be?
    We looked around and then we found
    The man for you and me… ?

  2. There’s a lot of “transitory” optimism in that graph, with its sharp peak and quick drop “soon”. Good luck with that.

    1. And thus begins the “Five-Year Plan” to restore the economy.

      The first of many such “Five-Year Plans”. Chocolate ration increases forthcoming.

    2. Yeah, exactly what is driving the forecast for reduced inflation rate (not reduced inflation, just the rate) at the end of this year? Especially since we have only one month left in the fourth quarter. Are oil prices going down? Nope. Are food prices going down? Nope. With fuel and energy prices going up everything that uses energy or oil to produce, transport raw materials, and distribute final products will continue to go up. At the most optimistic it will take 6 months to a year for the inflation spike (assuming it is a spike) of oil, gas, and electricity to propagate throughout the system.

  3. Last time the inflation in the US started in 1968 after LBJ was trying to fight the Vietnam War and push his Great Society. I was eight, and remember my Father and Uncle talking about it while we were fishing. It really did not end until 1982 in America. Other nations were still fighting it through the entire 1980’s.

    That was when the US Debt was still measured in Billions of Dollars and Budget Deficits in Millions of Dollars.

  4. This is like the inverse of the “hockey stick graph” that AGW-supporters use.

    No basis in fact, 100% speculation (there’s zero reason to believe that THIS quarter will be the peak and it will fall off after this … or ever), but it supports their agenda, so they treat it as incontrovertible fact.

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