By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “I’ve seen this movie before”
  1. They can use their time in the camp to concentrate on remembering to wear their mask. They need to learn to concentrate.

    A concentration camp.

  2. There might be some ghettos they could hold these malcontents in before the camps are ready. Just to ease the minds of the good Germans.

  3. What a great idea; put a ton of Americans that willfully disobey .gov edicts into a camp where they can congregate under a shared dislike of the people that put them there. Surely nothing can go wrong!

  4. As always, progtards are all about nazi & communist “solutions” as long as it doesn’t apply to them. SMH

    The cruel irony they’re choosing to ignore is that they will eventually become victims of their own creation. It is pretty much a cosmic constant that progtards eat their own sooner rather than later.

    1. And considering how fast everything is going we may see them start to purge and kill each other while at the same time actively purging and killing us by the tens if not hundreds of millions.

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