At least according to the criminal complaint. How many members of the National Felon League have we seen with the same issues?

Catholics love Sinners. That is our bread and butter with the whole repentance-confession-communion. But even the shit-stain we have as Pope would object to the constant siding with the dregs of the criminal society without any interest in mending their ways.  And also object Jacob Blake.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Jacob Blake was an NFL player.”
  1. “Catholics love Sinners. That is our bread and butter with the whole repentance-confession-communion. But even the shit-stain we have as Pope would object to the constant siding with the dregs of the criminal society without any interest in mending their ways. And also object Jacob Blake.”

    I’d hate to wager any money on that one. Pope Frankie hasn’t exactly wowed me.

    That being said, a critical aspect of reconciliation is admitting your error and repenting it, then not doing it again.

    ‘Go, and sin no more.’

    1. I believe that this is a reference to the number of NFL players that have had the same charges or similar charges filed against them.

  2. I missed in the complaint where it said he was an NFL player. I was looking to see what team he played for (and hoping it wasn’t one I like) or any details, and didn’t see it.

    Is there a missing link?

  3. Is there a missing link?? I think the police shot it in the back. Hahahahahaha. Sorry couldnt resist.
    Funny how many nfl players with multiple millions of dollars whine about America and commit felonys. I lost interest in “proffessonal” sports a long time ago.

  4. Was he a player? He’s listed as 5’11” and 160 lbs, which is beyond tiny for a professional sports player.
    Maybe he was a ticket taker or janitor?

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