The driver of the Jeep that drove through a crowd of protesters blocking I-225 on July 25 will not be charged at this time. Brauchler said that according to the statute of limitations, that could change depending on the evidence that comes forward.

“If this guy wanted to run into people, he had plenty of opportunity to do so,” said Brauchler. “He exhibits care to not strike another person.”

Jeep Driver In I-225 Protest Will Not Be Charged At This Time

The driver was attacked by people that legally were not supposed to be there, rammed by another vehicle and fled the scene trying to avoid pedestrians, one of them who was shooting at his vehicle. Go to the article and see the video which will make mores sense.

Now, what sets me off is the “At this time.”  If you don’t have the evidence of culpability but plenty for exoneration, have the testicular fortitude to just make the effing determination and end this clown orgy.  From what little I checked online, the driver is going to be in a legal limbo for the next three years till the statute of limitations run out on possible felony charges. That is a three year mental anguish penalty for saving his life and the life of his passenger.   But unsurprisingly, we find out Arapahoe county, where Aurora resides is politically blue with 52.8% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election and only 38.6% voted Republican.

That explains a lot.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Jeep Driver who escaped mob in Aurora CO, will not be charged … at this time.”
  1. The driver of the pickup that rammed the jeep says ” The Jeep driver should have stopped for the protesters” —- what a moron. He ( pickup guy) has not been charged for intentionally ramming the Jeep! (… grumbles about lefty DA)

  2. All the people who the protesters claim are trying to run them over seem to be doing a very bad job of actually hitting anybody.

    1. Remember the rioter who ran over a police cruiser, and then tried to claim the police cruiser tried to run over him?
      Reality is not something these people have any connection with.

  3. If I were of the mindset to run over protestors rioters, I’d “acquire” a dump truck with a snowplow blade. Oh wait ISIS already does that, maybe for confusion I’d add a black “Aloha Snack Bar” flag.

    Evil genius retreating to the lair.?

  4. The “at this time” language is normal, and as you note, relates to the statute of limitations period. And depending on additional evidence, a charging decision is always subject to change. No prosecutor would limit themselves otherwise.

    Never say never.

    Absent a statement from someone inside the Jeep that is incriminating, or a confession, there aren’t going to be charges filed.

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