Miguel sent me this:

I understand her fear of going out in public being openly Jewish.

Her fear that every person open carrying is Leftist prejudice and stupid.

I read the article in the Shannon Watts subtweet.  It has nothing to do with guns.

In a nutshell, what is says is that most antisemites attack Jews who are easily identified as Jews, i.e., wear Yarmakules have sideburns, etc.  Most Jews don’t dress that way so most antisemitic attacks are concentrated on a smaller percentage of Jews who antisemites can easily identify.

Watts took that and added the “unfettered access to arsenals” herself.

The thing is, most antisemitic attacks in the US are neither from the stereotypical “white supremacist” or with a gun.

Just follow some of the NYC Shomrim accounts:

The antisemitism the Left dare no speak it’s name.

The reality is antisemitism will never go away.

After six thousand years, we better get used to that.

It can be lessened but never eliminated completely.

All we can do is be vigilant against it.

The idea of disarming hate so Jews can live peacefully disarmed will never work.

Just ask the Jews of Israel who are run over with cars or stabbed with kitchen knives, or the Jews of France and Germany where synagogues are attacked with molotov cocktails, or the Jews of New York who get punched in the face.

The reality is that we need to be armed too.  To be ready to meet force with force and repel violence with violence.

Being anti-gun doesn’t make her any safer and by embracing the Leftist stereotypes of who an antisemite is, she compounds her danger by ignoring all the other threats that don’t fit her narrative.



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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Jews, don’t listen to Shannon Watts”
  1. The hatred the the Left dare no speak it’s name.

    The reality is hatred will never go away.

    After six thousand years, we better get used to that.

    It can be lessened but never eliminated completely.

    All we can do is be vigilant against it.

    The idea of disarming hate so people can live peacefully disarmed will never work.

    Just ask the people of any country who are run over with cars or stabbed with kitchen knives, or the people of France, Canada, Germany or any country where churches are attacked with molotov cocktails, or the people of New York and Los Angeles who get punched in the face.

    The reality is that we need to be armed too. To be ready to meet force with force and repel violence with violence.

    Being anti-gun doesn’t make her any safer and by embracing the Leftist stereotypes of who an hater is, she compounds her danger by ignoring all the other threats that don’t fit her narrative.

    Fixed it for you…..

  2. The reality is that we need to be armed too. To be ready to meet force with force and repel violence with violence.

    — I like to quote Malcom Reynolds.

    “someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill ’em right back.”

  3. As I understand it, the same notion appears in the Talmud some centuries earlier:
    “If he come to slay thee, forestall by slaying him.” — Sanhedrin, folio 72a.

  4. I’m a fan of Col. Cooper’s take on the subject.

    “One bleeding-heart type asked me in a recent interview if I did not agree that ‘violence begets violence.’ I told him that it is my earnest endeavor to see that it does. I would like very much to ensure—and in some cases I have—that any man who offers violence to his fellow citizen begets a whole lot more in return than he can enjoy.” – Col. Jeff Cooper

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