I had a thought on this.  A few years ago Kimmel did a bit on the birth of his son and his son needing heart surgery for a birth defect.

Someone should ask him if his feelings apply to an unvaccinated 12-year-old needing oprn heart surgery.



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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Jimmy Kimmel Live! Hired the ghost of Leni Riefenstahl as a writer”
  1. There are times I wonder how Adam Carolla turned out so cool and Kimmel turned out to be such a c*nt. Can only chalk it up to Carolla being a self made man and Kimmel growing up as a rich kid in NYC.

  2. And then his straw-man arguments.

    “They want to take ivermectin because they don’t trust Big Pharma.”

    I don’t trust Big Pharma, but that’s not why I don’t want the shot. The COVID “vaccine” (which is only a “vaccine” because the CDC literally changed the definition of “vaccine” as of Sept 1, 2021) is a gene-therapy experiment, currently in the experimental phase. We have no idea the long-term effects, how it will affect the body’s ability to fight off other pathogens, or whether it will cause or contribute to other auto-immune disorders. That information is not available because you can’t have long-term impact studies on a shot that’s been out for one year. We. Don’t. Know.

    Meanwhile, ivermectin HAS been shown in clinical studies to be an inexpensive and effective prophylactic and therapeutic for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. (Merck’s statement is boiler-plate CYA lawyer-speak; they won’t commit either way to studies they haven’t done themselves, else they could be liable for that “advice”. And besides, they stand to make more from “vaccines” than ivermectin anyway. Remember how I said I don’t trust Big Pharma? That’s why.)

    And people are taking the horse version of ivermectin. Why? Because it’s the exact same drug, with dosage calculated for the recipient’s weight. (Guess what? People who can’t afford insulin from the pharmacy at the going “medical” rate, will sometimes hit up PetCo for “insulin for dogs” which is sold over-the-counter for 20 bucks. It’s the same formula in the same vial, produced from the same labs, usually from pig pancreii. Only the box and label are different.)

    And this blog already covered the “massive spike in poison control calls for ivermectin”. It was a non-story from the get-go.

    But Kimmel is a comedian. He’s not paid to read academic studies or make good policy; he’s paid to say what he thinks will get laughs. (Like most talk hosts, he doesn’t even do the research or write the jokes; he just reads them.)

    The only tragedy there, is that so many people — including, it seems, Leftist policy-makers — take his comedic “opinion” seriously.

  3. I would ask the question here if you think Jimmy Kimmel would support deploying the military to go door to door forcing vaccination at the point of a gun and it being lawful for the federal government to execute every single solitary United States citizen that resists along with the execution of every single person in that home that does not support the federal Government executing their family members for not taking a “vaccine” an opening fire on people that protest but we already know the answer to that question.

    Just like Howard Stern.

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