Joe Biden was at a plant in Detroit where he he got challenged on his gun-grabbing by a local worker.

Joe tells this guy he’s full of shit.

Of course, Joe did announce that he would make “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15” O’Rourke his gun czar.  It’s not just that, Biden said that he would make it illegal to own an AR-15.  Not just buy one, but own one, which sounds like he’s pro-confiscation.  There is video of him saying this.


So evidence indicated that this guy’s concerns are one the level and it’s Biden who is full of shit.

But then Joe goes so far as to say that says he’s going to take this guys “AR-14,” because he meant to say “AR-15” but is in the early stages of dementia.

I have to side with the worker that you can’t respect the Second Amendment if you allow the illicit millionaire children of politicians own expensive over-under for quail hunting but you are going to take people’s semi-auto rifles.

But it doesn’t end there, he tells this guy he’s going to slap him in the face after the guy makes it clear that he doesn’t like Biden sticking his finger in his face.

Threatening to his voters isn’t a good look.  Unless you are in the media and you think that threatening to his gun owners is cheddar.

“Trump is a bully who says mean things.” Also, “Biden being a bully so some union construction worker who doesn’t want his AR taken away is great and Biden is a tough guy.”

Even criticism of his behavior gets a pass when it’s directed at a gun owner, who is treated like a stand-in for the whole of the NRA. Threatening climate activists is bad but threatening guys concerned about their gun rights is good.

They hate us and they want to hurt us, and if that means their Presidential candidate threatens to physically attack a potential voter who is a gun guy, even better.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Joe Biden affirms that violence against legal gun owners is good, and the media supports it”
  1. More Twitter leftists living in their bubble. What the majority of Americans saw here was an increasingly senile Biden losing his temper with a blue collar worker who calmly asked him legitimate questions. The idea that this is good for Biden with anyone other than liberals on Twitter is laughable.

  2. “What do you need 100 rounds for?”

    Meaningless question. How does that, in any way, frame an argument for gun control/confiscation?

    Since when has an unanswered question been proof of anything???

  3. It’s easy to threaten a voter while you have 6 secret service agents next to you, ready to hand out an ass whipping to the guy if he fights back.

  4. Used to feel sorry for Creepy Joe. That ship sailed after he brought out the slimy Fake Taco from under a rock.
    I can’t wait for this senile douchebag, his deadbeat spawn and commie frienemy to get their overdue comeuppances when the lose so badly that it’ll pale in comparison to Carter’s.

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