By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Joe Biden is coming for your gasoline”
  1. Note that pilots who fly little airplanes are not taxed more. But airliners are.

    I guess the Dems have to be nice to all the millionaires who want to keep flying their Cessna’s around the neighborhood.

  2. Doesn’t look like this particular one is going anything but I can pretty much guarantee the sponsors of this chant ‘Tax the rich’

  3. For the aspiring homesteaders looking to invest in a bulldozer for future homesteading projects, such as land clearing/driveway building/swale construction, off road diesel doesn’t have these taxes applied to it.

    Carry on . . .

  4. But wait, there’s more!
    Right below the section you quoted is a new section which adjusts the fuel tax rates for inflation. Also, inflation is reckoned starting from 2020, so the actual rate won’t be what’s in the text you quoted but a higher number due to the inflation between 2020 and 2022.

  5. This is Joe Biden unplugging the economic life support machine. He’s nearly killed it, but this will finish the job.

  6. I wonder if he:s attempting to “stress test” the vote printing machine, vs how many, if any, Americans will metaphorically “storm the Bastille”, post “election ” day 2022?

  7. 35 cents a gallon? That is only about $7 per fill up.
    Simple. Just don’t each lunch for 2 or 3 days
    Or don’t feed your kid for a day.
    Easy Peasy.


  8. To be fair, Joe Biden is only coming for sniffable tweens and ice cream cones.
    It’s the minders who make him sign the papers for the, you know the thing, so he can get the above.

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