This story hits different.

Aus man jailed for raping masked intruder in home

Klay Holland, 32, faced the Supreme Court of Victoria on Tuesday when he was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment, with a non-parole period of four years and 10 months.

Holland’s victim, Shane Cox, had broken into a unit in Melton in Melbourne’s west in March 2021 armed with a knife and wearing a mask.

Cox, 36, who was high on methylamphetamine, was overpowered by Holland who was a guest at the home.

Cox was beaten with a baseball bat and was incapacitated on the floor, where Holland then raped him.

His body was found at the scene under a pile of blankets a day later by police, who arrived at the property on an unrelated matter.

He was hogtied, his mouth was duct taped and his pants were pulled down to his upper thighs.

Justice Christopher Beale described Holland’s offending as premeditated and particularly humiliating.

That’s…. uh….

That’s a little hard core.

You know what, just give the Aussies back their guns and let them defend their homes like normal people.

Also, I couldn’t help myself.

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By J. Kb

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