What happened to George Floyd was terrible.

I’m not denying any of that.

His funeral was a spectacle of immense proportions.

Attended by hundreds of people, celebrities, athletes, Texas politicians, Members of Congress, he was even eulogized by Vice President Biden by video.

The funeral was paid for by another celebrity athlete.

All because he was murdered by a bad cop protected for years by a union empowered by the political party that ran Minneapolis.

This comes on the heels of the COVID spike, where tens of thousands of elderly people in nursing homes were murdered by the nightmare policies created by politicians of the same political party.

The family members of those people couldn’t even gather to bury their loved one because of social distancing and lockdowns.

It to me seems mightily disgusting that the grandchildren of a beloved grandmother killed by Democrats with COVID could not say goodbye at a gravesite but a man killed by Democrats with a chokehold got a star studded political rally send-off.

In both cases because that was the most politically advantageous thing for the Democrats to do.

Am I the only one who noticed that?

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Just something I noticed”
  1. Nope. You’re not the only one. But, hey, let’s just add political grandstanding to the list of places/events (to include Riots, leftist sanctioned protests, and major big-box retail chains with lots of political donations to make) where COVID transmission is impossible.

  2. Look at the coffin
    With golden handles
    Isn’t it grand, boys
    To be bloody well dead?
    Let’s not have sniffle
    Let’s have a bloody good cry
    And always remember the longer you live
    The sooner you’ll bloody well die

    Look at the mourners
    Bloody great hypocrites
    Isn’t it grand, boys
    To be bloody well dead?…

    Isn’t it grand – The Clancy Brothers – https://youtu.be/e-ZAL_1rcfQ

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