By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Just wondering…”
  1. In my experience – purely window-shopping, I assure you – the issue hasn’t been finding an 80% frame. (There are at least three makers for GLOCK clones alone now, for instance.)

    The issue has been finding the other parts required to put it all together. That’s true whether you are interested in 9mm or some other caliber.

  2. Used to be most places had some measurable stock of these items. Not everything, but it was not difficult to find an 80% receiver.

    These days, it is iffy that anything will be in stock. Most places have a few items, but the selection is weak. You can find an 80% AR-10 receiver, but not the jig or tools. I used to see plenty of PCC receivers, now, not a single one anywhere.

    So, yes. Ever since pResident CreepyWhisperVoice declared war on ghost guns, they have become scarce as… well… ghosts.

  3. I keep wondering whether the Ghost Gunner machine could do its thing given a 0% receiver as opposed to an 80% one. It might need some additional tooling, or it might be that it isn’t really workable. I wonder.
    It’s clearly the case that a skilled machinist with a good mill can build a gun from scratch — I remember reading Arne Boberg’s blog where he mentioned doing just that with the prototypes of his XR-9. That was not just a receiver; since it’s an unusual action he had to make his own slide, locking block, and perhaps barrel too. And he used a manual mill, not CNC.
    I keep thinking it would be fun to post the G-code for a receiver-from-scratch project, so anyone with a Ghost Gunner or Sherline CNC mill or the like could build his own. Add code for a number of the other parts for extra credit.

  4. I don’t think you’ll find a direct answer to that, however…

    You can probably compare the price of an 80% receiver now versus before President Gropey Joe and V.P. Kneepads declared war on them, factor in supply/demand, and draw some reasonable conclusions.

    I’m pretty sure you’ll find that Therefore up above has the right idea: All of them.

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