Deon Kay was a young black fella who got shot and killed by Washington Metropolitan Police yesterday. Immediately the uproar on how the MPD had shot an innocent unarmed black kid in the back (no less) was felt by marches and protests at the local precinct till the wee hour of the night.  If you peruse the Twittervers, you will be regaled with videos of the protesters engaged in First Amendment against the officer standing outside up and including vile racial insults.

The other thing the protesters and assorted race baiters demanded was the immediate release of the video from body-worn cameras. And MPD said sure. tomorrow it will be released and you could almost detect a smiling undertone, not a good thing for the Narrative.

And the video was released earlier this afternoon:


Twitter players are still trying to salvage this dumpster fire, but it is dying fast once again proving that the worst thing it could happen to race baiters was the police accepting the use of body-worn cameras. Evidence trumps bullshit.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “#JusticeForDeon did not age well.”
  1. It’s an endless source of popcorn-worthy amusement to me.

    Leftists claimed racist police brutality. Police and their unions countered that the vast majority of investigations conclude the officers acted reasonably and professionally. Leftists called shenanigans, cited conflict of interest (racist police “investigating” racist police? yeah, right!), and demanded — DEMANDED!! — body cameras be worn by officers so they could once-and-for-all see the racist actions first-hand.

    What they didn’t expect, was cops willingly accepting the offer, because cops knew that the racism allegations are bovine excrement and were eager for the race-baiters to see — really SEE — their side.

    Body cam footage was intended by the Left to be the nail in the coffin of police departments and a force for change. Instead, it has exonerated officers in the vast majority of shootings, proving that “racist police brutality” is largely a myth.

    That has to drive Leftists apoplectic, which is pure, delicious, unfiltered schadenfreude.

    Not that it’s stopped The Narrative [TM], but your average “Mr. and Mrs. America” are finally seeing it for the pile of crap it is. In 720p HD resolution.

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