By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Karma delivered fast”
  1. I was always told that even a rabbit would fight if backed into a corner. Many citizens are far more reactive than a rabbit if backed into a corner.
    How much more corner could there be than surrounded by a rabid crowd?

  2. I feel bad for him and his girlfriend. She lost all four limbs to Sepsis and he took care of her. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. But his ass cashed a check his stupid mouth wrote and it bounced.

    1. This is something I’ve been having a bit of a mental problem with.

      Can one be a “genuinely nice guy” (or, if you prefer, a “good person”) one moment, and in the next, point and / or fire a weapon at someone who just wants to get on with his life? Or, did he perceive the car driver as an existential threat to “his” people and decide to preemptively act to end that threat? (Whether his actions are justified or not, what he perceived at the moment governed his decision making process.)

      In the end, his actions and choices, and those of the car driver, resulted in his death. There are so many points at which, had things been done differently, this could have been avoided … some on the part of the car driver, but I’d argue at least as many on the part of Mr. Foster.

      Does being a nice guy even matter, in the heat of the moment, if one’s decision-making process is flawed? I don’t know.

      1. The police have confirmed that he did not point his weapon at the driver/car. He did not have control of it and while moving forward muzzled the driver who shot.

        His family has released a statement asking people to leave the driver alone.

        From everything I’m hearing from his friends, they all agree he played a stupid game and collected the jackpot stupid prize.

        Please not that there are many videos from the point of view of those near the driver which show his weapon pointing towards the car. It is only when you see the side views is it clear his hands were on the wheelchair handles the entire time.

        The CCW holder that returned fire at the driver and missed is also having no charges. Both CCW hundred reported to the police as soon as they could and it was clear that the one that shot at the driver thought he was firing to stop the perceived threat from the driver.

  3. Read an AP article about it, and they try desperately to make the driver out to be the bad guy, and fail. There is nothing about this jackhole’s death that was not self induced. Even the AP cannot spin it any other way.

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