Kyle Rittenhouse.

It’s not just the people in Trump’s political circles that will pay.  If you can be connected in any way to the Right or a push-back against the Left, you will be prosecuted and removed from society.

What crime did you committ?

It doesn’t matter, your crime was not supporting the Left.

Once convicted where will you go?  A prison, a camp, a mass grave, whatever is most convenient for them.

Keep in mind that Olbermann may be a fascist crack-pot, but he is reputable on the Left having been at ESPN and MSNBC.

The Left likes to say “vote like your life depends on it.” That is more projection.  If Trump wins, their lives will go on just the same, the only oppression is inside their own heads.  If the Left wins, we are headed for the Gulags.  We need to vote like our lives depend on it, because it does.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Keith Olbermann tells you what they will do if they win.”
  1. Today I received a mass mailed “Application for an Absentee Ballot” addressed to my late father or current resident. It was from “Stronger Idaho PAC” which appears to be part of whose top contributor is Michael Bloomberg with over $1.25 billion, number 11 is George Soros with over $58 million. These folks aren’t friends of ours. I immediately checked with the county elections office and made sure my dad’s voter registration was removed. If you have a recently deceased relative, or know someone who has moved out of the area, make sure they are removed from the voter registration rolls.

    1. I’ve heard of at least one man who tried to send in a ballot application that was sent to his address for his deceased wife, and who was shortly afterwards visited by the police and charged with attempted election fraud. But I have my suspicions that this was all set up and publicized so they could make it look like they are on the ball and catching every rare attempt to cheat at mail in voting, or at least it was an unusual case, maybe a small town where the guys who got the ballot KNEW who the man was and that his wife was dead, and so they said “hey, hold on here”.
      Even if none of that was true, it’s irresponsible to send out millions of ballots to millions of people, many of them less than brilliant and/or ignorant of the law. There will be many, many cases where people assume that because an application was sent to them they can legally or safely fill it out, even if the person it was addressed to is dead or moved away. If they don’t catch them, it may effect the election. If they DO catch them, you’ll have thousands of people arrested on felony charges that they never would have picked up if some idiot hadn’t sent them a form in the mail for a dead person. But that doesn’t matter to the Democrats, as long as it helps them to win.

      1. Seriously, the police will prioritize a false ballot somewhere in the vicinity of spitting on the sidewalk when it comes to deploying personnel to a scene. In my city, you have to have more than $500 in damage from a car crash for the police to even take a report over the phone. Showing up for a false ballot? Yeah, that’s believable.

        “I’ll take things that never happened for $500, Alex.”

  2. I have no doubt that, should the Left win, they will seek to herd a great many of us into the railroad cars.

    Not only do I strongly believe they will find that task quite considerably harder than they envision, I know some people who are eargerly awaiting them to attempt it. A few have smilingly stated “game on, with no bag limit;” knowing them as I do, it’s not hubris.

    None of which will do the country much good – the economy will get trashed, whole communities and parts of others will become uninhabitable rubble, the total death toll will be stunning, and even if the highly kinetic portion lasts only a few months, the recovery will take decades.

    I sincerely wish such were not the case, but it seems the Left will have it no other way.

  3. I would think it’s pretty unhealthy to attempt to herd armed citizens onto cattle cars.
    Probably why they’d like to disarm us first.
    Tyrants never change, do they?

    1. The hubris of these people is so great, they actually believe that 99% of gun owners will “turn ’em in!” if ordered to do so by a liberal despot. These people were raised to believe government is god and is the ruling authority on everything, and cannot be questioned or disobeyed. It’s outside their comprehension that someone would disagree.

  4. The intent of marxism is to kill all who do not come to its call.
    Diversity is dress rehearsal for class war.
    Social justice is Satan’s justice.
    Their dystopia is not Our utopia
    Equality is impossible, it does not exist in nature.
    Biden Is Still Fixated On Little Girls: #Pizzagate For President so the legacy of #BillClintonIsAPedo can live on
    Why leftist run shitholes: that systemic pedophilia isn’t going to spread itself.
    The malice of our enemies like their depravity sin and envy knows no bounds or limits.
    Order out of chaos.
    UDHER – u dont-have-enough-rope – the UDHER depravity of the left.
    1 cup of covfee
    2 scoops
    3 picks
    4 more years
    MAGA Lifts All Boats
    KAG Fills Them With Prosperity & Happiness
    Freedom is not free. Free men are not equal. Equal men are not free.

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