Is there some sort of “hold my beer” challenge among Democrat governors for who can do the worst possible thing and still get re-elected?

So far the Governor of Virginia is in the lead having been re-elected after being found to have work blackface or a klan hood and refusing to confirm which one it was.

New York Governor Andrew Coumo is trying his best to beat Northam by seizing ventilators form upstate New York formuse in NYC, proving to everyone in the Empire State that the state government believes that lives of residents of New York City are more valuable than that of the rest of the state, except for the government workers in Albany.

But not to be out done, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear decided to send the Kentucky State Police to torment churchgoers on Easter Sunday for sitting in their cars listening to a pastor on a loud speaker.

I can’t imag how this makes anyone safer. The KSP officers are not wearing masks as they go from car to car. But the Governor issues and order banning those services, one that a Federal judge overruled, and so Goddammit he’s going to let those Christians who want so hit in their cars in a Church parking lot on a Sunday know who the fucking big-balls boss is, but it just comes off as petty and officious.

It’s only April and the election is in November, so I expect more stupid shit to come down the pipe from Democrat governors, but bad-opticswise, this takes the lead.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Kentucky Governor going for record bad optics”
  1. Nice. Did not those troopers swear an oath on entering service? Constitution, and all that?

    Ever hear about how effective the Nuremberg Defense was?

    Ever hear about “blue flu”?

    “LT, Personally, I’d LURV to pamphlet those church goer’s cars, but, well, I feel feverish…(cough, cough)…”

  2. I don’t see people in those cares, so was it a drive-in service, or did people go into the church?

  3. Aside from the flagrant Constitutional violation, two KSP officers handing out two color printed flyers, just how much is this costing the taxpayers for almost zero benefit? Except of course for the power mad governor to let the kulaks know who’s in charge. Come the next legislative session, the costs associated with this fiasco should be deducted from the governors office budget, and the governor should be held personally responsible for any legal costs resulting from lawsuits arising from this travesty.

  4. Read an interesting comment on another blog.

    What if…

    What if the leftist governors/mayors are deliberately trying to provoke a response. One that is less than polite? One that is potentially violent?

    A lot of places where the most restrictive edicts have been put in place, have two things in common. 1, the executive is a leftist, and 2. there is a measurable amount of conservative/gun owners/Constitutionalists that are getting fed up.

    As Larry Correia noted in one of his better blog posts, the right does not have a dimmer, they have an on/off switch, and I would not be surprised if the KY Governor is trying to get someone to throw it.

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