Hot burning oil can catch a kitchen on fire fast.

This is why you should have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen that is rated for grease fires (ABC are best) but not next to your stove.

I have a First Alert Tundra that sits on the counter top next to the coffee maker.

I have a bigger ABC fire extinguisher that lives in the garage 10 feet from the kitchen, but the counter top one is there specifically for quick response to stove top fires.

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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “Kitchen fire extinguishers are important”
  1. An oil smokepoint is adjacent to flash point. It’s a good thing she didn’t add water to it!

    Baking soda does wonders if no extinguisher, and a lid after that.

    Tom Grisham had a kitchen fire a couple years back, caused by a baked potato microwave sleeve that was put away while still hot.

  2. ABC is good. K is better, but does not serve extra duty for AB&C class fires. A K class extinguisher is specifically designed for flammable liquids like cooking oil. (Not as useful for any other fire classes.) However a decent ABC will usually put a kitchen fire out.
    Seriously though. This woman is not ready and prepared to be doing any kind of kitchen/cooking streaming. Overheated oil will stink a place up, and she did not turn down the heat or move the pan to a cold burner? No, instead just waved her hand around? And, when the flame did pop up, she grabbed the pan? Still ignoring the burner on full blast. And, into the sink? WTF??? Even I know better.

  3. Put a lid on and then remove it from the heat source.
    Good God, it’s not rocket science.

    1. ^That, right there.

      A fire extinguisher?!?
      It’s called a lid.

      What an utter farking moron.

      Internet viral gold?
      Guy steps in, slugs her unconscious with one punch to remove the loose nut behind the stove from the equation, then drops the lid on that, and walks away muttering “Stupid b*tch almost burned the house down…”.

      Second choice: picks her up bodily and uses her to beat the flames out. Which would take her IQ up 40 points, once the burn scars healed.

  4. Ya, based on that performance I don’t think a fire extinguisher would have helped.
    She probably would have tried to smother it with the tank or something.

  5. CBMTTek (above) has it – a K Class extinguisher is specifically designed for grease and oil-type kitchen fires; they’re considerably more expensive than the 2 3/4 lb ABC extinguishers at Home Depot and Lowe’s, but do you think it wise to protect a $250,000 house with a $14.95 extinguisher?

    Also useful – fire blankets.

    Both require some training and practice to be fully effective, but many local fire departments can provide that training and instruction.

    And, as CBMTTek points out, whatever extinguishing system you use, do NOT put it next to the stove; at least 8 feet away, and please, mount it on the wall with the brackets it comes with so it is always in the same place and access to it not blocked by whatever gets placed on the counter.

    And, based on the video, if you’re a Deeply Committed Leftie, it’s best to avoid situations which may lead to provoking the Standard Panic Response: “HELP, HELP, SOMEBODY” (if she had two adjacent functioning brain cells she would have simply put a lid on the pot and been done with it; the sound of the smoke alarm in the background should have informed her that she was exceeding her Basic Design Performance Parameters. Standard practice, that, at least for Leftists….).

  6. I was taught in cub scouts, shop class, home ec etc how to handle a grease fire.
    How is that poor girl going to do the hard stuff when she can’t do the easy stuff

  7. I will admit I never thought about having it away from the most likely point of fire. Mine lives under the sink which is…..right by the stove.

    Thanks for the tip, adding another to the grocery list.

  8. Unreal.

    Turn the burner off, cover it. Not rocket science. Use a sheet pan, use the lid. She should’ve turned it off and moved it when it was smoking. Smoke like that renders whatever you were cooking inedible and undigestible. Smoke is a clue you’re doing it wrong.

    I have a fire extinguisher in the doorway to the kitchen from the garage, and better yet, a fire blanket in the kitchen drawer. But I probably won’t need them because I’m not a retard in the kitchen. I also rarely cook with enough oil to support a decent grease fire. If I want to deep fry, I’m outside with my propane burner.

  9. I got to see a kitchen grease fire back in 1st grade. My class was making it’s way through the serving line. Our teacher wasn’t with us. A pan caught on fire so like good little kids we all just stood there. Teachers with the class in front of us and behind us rush their kids out but our class is standing there watching.

    First cook grabs a big ass pan of water and dumps it on the fire. WOOSH!!!! The flames race to the ceiling and across the ceiling.

    I’m told the vents from kitchen/serving area into the cafeteria had flames 20 foot long shooting out of them.

    Second cook calmly picks up lid, plops it on top of the pan. Poof. No more fire.

    If my wife was in the kitchen and a fire started on the stove I’d be thinking of the insurance ’cause there is nothing that I can do to teach her how to respond under pressure.

  10. To awa. It appears unlock origin is blocking an attempted redirect when I try to click the twitter linl

  11. Old joke in the local wildland / USFS fire service..
    Basic fire >rectangle< (yes, I know, hang on a sec..)

    Take away the:


    The DNR / USFS

    and the fire will go out…

    Apologies to those who actually "ground pound' and recognize the above for what it is..

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