Of course this happened in New York City, and on the subway no doubt.

NYC is the epicenter of people ignoring crazy violent shit that goes on around them because they are acclimated to it and don’t want to risk their own lives to interfere with it.

We’ve seen slashings, sexual assaults, people being shoved in front of trains, and at most someone will take i picture of it.

The NYC subway is a place where you rape a woman and cut her head off and people will just stand around trying to not make eye contact as you do it.

I see shit like this and I start to come to the conclusion that Bernie Goetz was more of a hero than New York deserved.

What a God forsaken shit-hole that place is.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Kitty Genovese and anti-Asian watersports”
  1. A lunatic in NYC is likely armed. The law-abiding aren’t.

    What are they supposed to do? Call a cop who is as likely to book them for misgendering the lunatic?

    1. Even if you intervene the police will probably just stand back and watch you get cut up while laughing and taking bets, just ask Joseph Lozito.

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