On Friday, Stewart revealed to The Hollywood Reporter that the next project she’s directing will be a short film about gun control. “My next thing is going to kick ass,” Stewart said, adding that she is in negotiations with Refinery29, which produced Come Swim, to partner with her on her next film as well.

Source: Kristen Stewart Says the New Film She’s Directing About Gun Control ‘Is Going to Kick Ass’


So did Miss Sloane. It kicked the shit out of the producers and investors asses even when a damned decent was starring in it.

So forgive me if I don’t sweat bullets about your short film.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Kristen Stewart Says the New Film She’s Directing About Gun Control ‘Is Going to Kick Ass’”
    1. She’s the chick who was picked to be the female lead in a hugely successful film series aimed at 14-18 year old girls. She was picked not for her talents (and a good thing that was), but because she’s plain enough, uninteresting enough, and flat enough to not look like competition to the target audience- who are there to moon over the male lead and would be alienated if the female lead to be too ‘challenging’ .
      She has not yet figured this out.

      Her next big movie she was in with a bunch of professional actors, who overshadowed her ‘talents’ by such an absurd degree it made people wonder how she got the job… and then it turned out she was sleeping with the director. Well, that answers that.

  1. Kirsten Stewart? Never heard of him.

    But we know nothing – you can’t measure a movie by it’s box office success. A movie is good when a lot of critics say it’s good :p

    It’s just like beeing a “real author“.

  2. She has only one acting range and that’s “broody”. The only thing that movie will kick is her already failing career right in the ass.

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