Remember when Mayor Bill de Blasio set up a snitch line for New Yorkers to rat out people for not social distancing?

New Yorkers shut it down by flooding it with Hitler memes and dick pics.

Rather than learn from New York’s mistake, Los Angels is going to repeat it.

They might as well just have texted “here’s as number you can call to curse out some underpaid county employee.”

I just hope the poor employee that gets put on this line has great mental health coverage with the county’s insurance policy.  They are going to need it.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “LA is going to learn this lesson the hard way too”
  1. Would be lovely if the first people reported to this snitch line were guvnor Moonbean, DiFi and Nancy “Karen” Pelosi, followed by the lot of Hollyweird self-righteous dbags. 😉

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