Los Angeles, California.

Under Prop 47, people can fill bags with supplies and walk out the door and the police can hardly do anything.

Add in a little Wuhan panic and police in LA have been told to significantly curtail arrest and are actively releasing criminals from jail.

But the law-abiding people of Los Angeles do not want to be stuck indoors for weeks on end.  They want to go outside and breathe the fresh air.

The mayor of LA does not want that to happen.  The streets belong to the criminals now and the citizens of LA dare not tread on their turf.

So what to do?  If you are a fan of the Soviet system or have read 1984 as a how-to manual, you encourage neighbors to turn in other neighbors.

You know that HOA nazi bitch that walks around the community with a ruler making sure your grass is just the right height or else you are breaking covenant and destroying her property value?

The mayor of LA has just given her the authority to patrol the community in her mask and rat out everyone else taking their dog for a walk.

There is no one more officious than someone with no real authority but thinks they have it.

She is going to get right up in your face with her mask on and tell you how you are killing people because you took your dog for a walk.  Don’t you dare talk back to her because the next time you take your dog for a walk, she will call the cops on you.

They will come, by the way.  Because busing your ass for not staying inside is far less dangerous for them than dealing with a convicted felon on early release who just robbed a CVS of Tylenol to sell on the black market for heroin.

Welcome to hell.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “LA Mayor to empower snitches in the fight against Coronavirus”
  1. I have to wonder when the breaking point will eventually happen in LA. Because at the rate they are going Demolition Man’s portrayal (at the beginning of the movie) will be actually quite pleasant in comparison. The scenario in the movie San Andreas would probably be a positive for the city.

    There’s got to be a point where something just gives out and the city and its population just collapses. Probably not. But I do wonder what’s going to happen. You can only go so far left before the entire thing just comes crashing down. But they’ll keep voting democrat if it kills them. And it probably will kill them.

    1. Maybe if something happens to the water supplies all at once. That would get ugly quickly.

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