The new top prosecutor of Los Angeles County announced Monday that his office will decline to prosecute many of the most common misdemeanor offenses, sparking an angry retort from at least one police union.
George Gascon, LA County’s new district attorney, said his mission was to move the justice system away from its past.
“For decades tough-on-crime advocates, the private prison industry, the bail industry and law enforcement unions — all organizations that profit off taking away your liberties — they sold us a false narrative that more police, stiffer penalties and more people locked up in prison made us safer,”

Police Union Furious After New District Attorney Announces Lengthy ‘Do Not Prosecute’ List

You can tell he is doing the Left narrative and accidentally let’s it slip: You do not go to prison for misdemeanors, only people convicted of a felony (and not even all) go to the Big House.

Gascon’s directive allows the following crimes to go scot free.  There are exceptions, but how the hell is a cop supposed to know if they apply from a simple radio call? Here are the newly free crimes in Los Angeles:

Trespass, Disturbing the Peace, Driving without a valid license, Driving on  a suspended license, Criminal Threats, Drug paraphernalia possession, Minor in possession of alcohol, Drinking in Public, Under the influence of a controlled substance, Public intoxication, Loitering, Loitering to commit prostitution & Resisting arrest.

So cops being cops won’t even bother to attend calls identified as one of the new non-prosecutable calls, why bother? Hookers decided to use your storefront to get business? Tough titty, deal with it. A bunch of drunks crash into you family picnic scaring everybody with their behavior and language? Tough titty, deal with it. Bunch of kids drinking themselves into an alcoholic coma? Fuck It, Drive On.

I can go on, but why bother?  I should pity the citizens of L.A. but they voted for this D.A., let them enjoy it.

Hat Tip Inverted KP



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “LA on its way to become a Crime Paradise”
  1. “Profit from taking away your liberties “????? When you commit CRIME you voluntarily gave up your liberty. Let some home owner cap some criminal for one of these crimes and see how fast they get prosecuted…

    1. A homeowner who caps “some criminal” for any of the crimes listed deserves to be prosecuted, since none of them involve an imminent threat of death or great bodily harm. But the crimes listed are guaranteed to destroy any area where they’re not prosecuted, since legit people, who don’t want to be accosted by violent drunks or whores, will just go somewhere else to earn and spend their money. It kinda makes you wonder if these “progressives” are that stupid, or if they have an ulterior motive.

      1. Seriously? Trespass is can and often does lead to forcible robbery, assault, murder, you name it. Someone breaks into your house at 3 AM, are you going to ask him if he is merely trespassing, or is he intending to go full felony?
        Nothing good can come of this.

        1. Trespass “can . . . lead to . . “. Yes, but trespass in and of itself is not a threat, unless and until the trespasser starts to commit the robbery, assault, etc., that you mentioned. Shoplifting and spitting on the sidewalk “can lead” to violent crimes, too,and they have, but they’re not violent crimes per se. You can’t shoot a trespasser until he becomes more than a trespasser. If you do, you’ll be bankrupted by attorney’s fees and your family will be sued out of house and home while you’re in prison.
          But you do you.

        2. “If someone breaks into your house at 3 AM . . .” That’s not trespassing. That’s burglary or home invasion, which is completely different. Please don’t conflate the two.

  2. I wonder if DA Gascon will prosecute antifa members who have air horns, molotov cocktails, clubs, lasers, bags of human waste and who happen to “disturb the peace” and “trespass” on his yard during a “peaceful” protest. After all there is no evidence that they intend to commit a violent crime, until they do.

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