I almost feel guilty making fun of poor Ladd. But then I remember how he wished all kinds of evil shit upon us and the guilt goes away and I just munch on popcorn.


Thi9s last one is indeed funny. Messing with Mail Personnel while performing their duties is a Federal Felony that carries up to 20 years in the pen.

He is too mentally messed up to even get a guest appearance in the Young Turks. And I would not be surprised if we ever see a mass shooting somewhere and turns out to be dear old Ladd as the shooter.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Lad Everitt TDS Report: The patient is beyond hope.”
    1. That’s always true for totalitarians. They have no objection to weapons, so long as they are exclusively in the hands of “their people”.
      Hitler and Stalin said so many times, very plainly. People like Harris and O’Rourke and Auchincloss are not quite so honest.

  1. Related to this post, the thing that really blows my mind about this post office mythology is that there are grown adults who don’t realize that mailboxes get routine maintenance. Like they’re the only things in the world made out of some miracle alloy that never rusts out or needs to be serviced. Allegedly grown adults who think mailboxes never, ever get locked anywhere to keep people from stealing out of them. And the USPS business is doing so well that they never think of consolidating boxes; taking some out of service and moving others. Are they the only people in the world who haven’t had something delivered to them in error, or had something they sent get lost or had any reason to doubt the postal service makes mistakes?

    I really hate to say it, but it astounds me there are people so unaware of the world around them. As someone said, “How stupid can it get isn’t supposed to be a challenge”

    1. I despise the post office outside of regular bill delivery. Could just be mine, but anything outside regular bills and junk mail is a huge hassle because they won’t deliver anything that needs a signature (yes, I know about the form they leave behind, and they do nothing), and they don’t hold hours that allow me to pickup without leaving work early. Worse yet, every single time I have to deal with their employees, they absolutely refuse to work with you.

      /Rant. I feel that the USPS is a bloated beaurocracy that has outlived its usefulness. Don’t know why so many leftists get their panties in a wad over em.

  2. Didn’t the post office said that there will be no delays regarding mail in ballots?
    That was their official statement and also the statement of the postal workers union.

    So what kind of trickery is this?

    1. The “delay in the mail” is one day.

      The post office used to sort in the morning and deliver in the afternoon. This caused a lot of overtime to accrue which was expensive as routes had to be finished even if that is after clock out time.

      Now they deliver in the morning and sort in the afternoon. When it’s time to clock out they do. Anything delivered to the post office after the delivery trucks leave for their routes gets delivered the next day.

      It’s not a conspiracy, it’s a tool to stop government workers from racking up huge overtime.

      1. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s a tool to stop government workers from racking up huge overtime.

        Anyone who has ever worked in union shop has seen guys deliberately put work off so they could come in on overtime to get it done. It’s a miracle to see those productivity numbers go up on Saturday.

        Definitely the case in the old school Kennedy Space Center contractors.

  3. Ladd’s lost his mind. His anti-gun fanaticism is just projection due to his own anger management issues.

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