Sincerely I had no idea who this Neera person is so I had to look him/her/it up.

Neera Tanden apologized during her first confirmation hearing for a history of publicly vilifying Republicans, including several of the GOP senators who will vote on her confirmation to head the Office of Management and Budget.

President Joe Biden’s nominee for White House budget director told senators Tuesday that she deleted more than 1,000 tweets in November because “I regretted my tone” and that “nobody advised me at all” to scrub the social media account of harsh comments ahead of her nomination.

Vampires have more heart than Ted Cruz’: Tanden atones for past tweets

Damn! She is a totally unprepared Lefty! Come on! You know you have to MemoryHole your Social Media before kneeling in congress for a job! Then again plausible deniability is hard when the Internet never forgets.

I have no idea why Bernie sided with a Republican condemning her language, but it made Ladd Everitt  sad and angry, so I like it.  He keeps falling in the bottomless pit of stupidity and hate. May he have fun.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Ladd Everitt haz a sad against Bernie Sanders”
  1. Bernie may be stupid in a lot of things, but I think he is smart enough to read the way the wind is blowing. The leftists can only get away with saying any extreme thing they want, while vilifying the right for saying something relatively innocuous, for only so long.

    His statement is not about supporting Sen. Graham. It is about warning the left that sooner or later they will start eating themselves, and maybe they need to back down just a bit.

  2. Neera Tanden went after Senator Bernie too. She is a partisan hack and will slime anyone not her chosen candidate

    “I’m very disturbed about your personal comments about people,” Kennedy (John Kennedy, Republican from Louisiana) said at a Senate Budget Committee confirmation hearing for Tanden. “I mean, you called Sen. Sanders everything but an ignorant slut.”

    Notice how Senators will defend each other too. It is a great club, and we ain’t in it!

    1. Maybe. But in the case of John Kennedy, it seems more like a case of him using his amazing skill with words to make a simple down-home point. I’ve seen it do him a lot; I rather like him.

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