Lanny Davis is a former Clinton family advisor, Democrat operative, and all-around piece of shit.

He went on a little rant on Twitter:

Yes, yes, yes, we know.  They are better than us in every way.

I could tell him how most of those schools he named are diploma mills that contribute nothing but more useless elites who trade favors for a living.

Even in Tech, other than a handful of subjects like semi-conductor science or particle physics, I’d take a Purdue or Missouri Institute of Technology grad over MIT or Cal Tech for nearly any other subject.

I could ask him where most of the food he eats comes from or if he’s ever been to Texas or northern Alabama and seen the factories that have moved from his beloved areas to the south.

But I’m not going to.

Instead, I’m going to point out yesterday in Seattle.

Emphasis on yesterday.  Not last night.  Day.

And don’t let me forget about this little gem:

This isn’t global warming, this is poor Leftist forest management led by environmentalist wackos.

Mr. Davis needs to re-read his Matthew 7:3.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

He sees Berkely and Silicon Valley.  He doesn’t see Marxists destroying a city’s business district in broad daylight while the most populated county in his state burns to baren ash because of policies he voted for.

I’d love to let California have completely antonymous rule for a year, let them do whatever they want with no federal oversight.  I’d be curious if there would be any survivors


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By J. Kb

21 thoughts on “Lanny Davis needs to read Matthew 7:3”
  1. Hahaha… this is a “Adult?”
    Reads more like a spitefull teenage girl thats been sent to her room.

    His little state list….yeaaaaah.
    That aint gonna work out well.
    I will not be saying why either.

  2. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. When the Socialist Blue States of America goes bankrupt don’t come begging us for more money. You may get some of the coastal states but don’t be surprised when Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, North and Central California stay with us. Yeah it’ll be tough here in the red states for a while, but we’ll have fuel, food, and industry and we’ll get by. I hope Cali, et, al. can survive with high tariffs on electrical power, food, water, natural gas and other fossil fuels. P.S. When you implement confiscatory taxation on the evil rich don’t be surprised when Intel, Apple, Microsoft and others leave your socialist paradise and take their money, and business expertise with them.

  3. I find it amusing that he fancies himself qualified to speak for all the populations of Hawaii, Oregon, California, New Mexico, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and all the Northeast. Self-important much?

    I can only speak for Illinois, but he’ll probably only get Chicago and maybe most of the collar counties. Out here in the rural flatlands, we have different ideas. Lanny Davis can die screaming in a fire.

  4. He’s not even original, I remember the exact same words when GW Bush won a second term and after the 2014 midterm elections and in 2016 when Trump won. To all the people threatening to leave the US if their demands are not met I say “challenge accepted”. Also Calexit now if it makes them ineligible for federal office. Losing Matt Gaetz is an acceptable price for shutting down Kamala Harris, Eric Swalwell, Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom.

  5. Outstate Michigan might have their own opinion, about all that!

    Hell, there has been a (low key) movement to make the UP autonomous, anyhow. If Blue Hive Michigan signed on to Mr. David’s scheme, the rest of us might save adieu!

    ps: didn’t that entire secession thing get pretty authoritatively resolve, something like 155 years ago?


    1. It was “resolved” as far as one group of people defeating another militarily can ever “resolve” anything. If the South had won, the answer would have been totally different, and being crushed militarily in no way proves a position correct or incorrect. Where a group of people rises and basically throws the dice on “if we win, we will be right, if we lose, we will be declared illegal”, there is nothing to stop another group of people from doing the exact same thing again at a later date. No one has “proven” that the South can’t legally secede, except through various interpretations and theories (and later through addition laws to make it clearly illegal retroactively). But even those laws mean nothing if the other party wins. The American Revolution was totally illegal under what passed for “international law” in those days, although they were also realistic: their overriding theory is that if a region has the ABILITY to secede, then they have the RIGHT to secede. If you win, you are fine, if you lose, you are traitors. If the Americans had lost the Revolution, it would be now remembered as an illegal revolt against the lawful authority. America WON the war, and established their right that way. Which is why the Founders wrote so much about “the natural right of the people to dissolve their government at any time and create a new one responsive to their wishes”, and the general immorality of using force to make a body of people submit to a govermment that they don’t approve. If the South doesn’t count as a homogenous body of people large enough to determine what sort of government they want, then I want to know what the minimum number is. The Northern half of the nation invaded the South and used violence and military power to force the Southern half of the nation submit to their rule, and retroactively decided it was illegal because “it wasn’t in the best interests of the United States”. That is totally irrelevant to whether people have a right to reject a government they do not approve of. “Treason” is a group of a few thousands of people among millions, working against the common will and consensus of their neighbors. Half of a country unanimously voting to dissolve the present government and to form another based on their own wishes is not and cannot be treason.

      1. Sam, in case you didn’t know, the south didn’t peacefully secede. They stole federal property prior to, and leading up to, the secession votes. After secession votes, they seized federal property and assets ( you know, seizing army bases and navy bases and stealing guns, cannons, and powder). To top it all off, they fired the first shots of the war, at Fort Sumter. So, it wasn’t the peaceful south just wanting to be left alone.

  6. Yawn.
    Temper tantrum of a POS liberal who knows it will be a Trump landslide.

    BTW, I live in California and do not agree. You want separation? You go somewhere else. I suggest Venezuela.

    You don’t get to dictate to me that I leave the United States. Since you despise America, well the wall is there only to keep out illegal invaders. Renounce your citizenship and go. We are not stopping you.

    Of course you petulant, egotistical fools never go though. Prove us wrong and live up to your convictions. Leave!

  7. How is California going to make it when their water and electricity get cut off? Where is the coal, oil, and natural gas coming from? 80% of the natural gas for the northeast comes through four pipelines that cross the Mississippi river within 10 miles of each other.

    You think you can run your nation on wind and solar?

  8. Yeah, just here in North Alabama we’ve got auto manufacturing, rocket production (we get the Moon!), agriculture, logging, lots of water (more rain than Seattle), and direct shipping to the port of Mobile (Tenn-Tom waterway to the 9th largest port in the US).

  9. The text is not recent. I remember reading it a long time ago. It’s at least 15 years old and has been floating around at least that long or longer. He just added current stuff. And WorldCom? Really? That company hasn’t existed since 2006! Dumb. He got it from somebody, read it, got all aroused with blue piety and self righteousness and reposted it. Lanny Davis is an idiot.

  10. The blueballed asshats can HAVE the northeast. Global warmin aint reached here yet. And we are currently 36% liberal. Number 1 or 2 highest taxes in the country. Only 2 papermills left out of 15. No factories left. I grew up here (57 now) live out in a very rural area 15 miles from nearest town. Lotsa hippies in the area, target rich environment.
    We shoot everything from .22 pistols to full auto .308.

  11. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
    but against principalities, against powers,
    against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
    against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    – Ephesians 6:12

    To this clown he wrestles with the flesh and blood of orangemanbad, against the light of whats good and right in this world, most of all his cognitive dissonance, triggered by:

    1 Cup of Cofvee
    2 scoops
    3 picks
    4 more years

  12. That’s all right, guy! Take your feces covered streets, mismanaged forests, and old hippies. We’ll take Texas. It’s the 7th greatest economy in the world, knows how to be a republic, has all the tech it needs, and most of the energy that you need.

  13. Excuse him, Utah also has California condors, and I have personally seen them in Zion National Park. Not only that, if I am not mistaken, they released a couple more there just the other day, and the nesting pair successfully raised a chick either this year or last year.

    Everyone else has pointed out why he is stupid, but I just wanted to mention this.

    Oh, and didn’t Boeing move to South Carolina?

    1. “All of the NorthEast”, eh? Us NH residents (“Live free or Die”, as Gen. Stark so famously put it) might object. Consider the village of New Boston, where the Lafayette Artillery still fires the Molly Stark cannon every 4th of July. I doubt any cannonballs have been loaded into it for many years, but no doubt they could be.

      1. If they are going to do this, it needs to be done on a county by county basis, not state by state. Southern Illinois and Upstate NY will not follow Chicago and NYC respectively.

        It will be like West Virginia breaking away from Virginia because of secession.

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