The missus and I sat down to watch this miniseries without any prior knowledge of the theme. It is basically a Big Oil scientist is urgently called by the company because there are reports of internal combustion engines all over failing because of the fuel. Olanes are falling off the skies, ships are drifting in the oceans, cars are catching on fire, and nobody knows why.

OK, let me summarize: Big Oil Scientist was once a young idealistic EcoFreak who designed as a college student a bacteria* to eat away oil spills in the ocean and his partner weaponized the bacteria and introduced it in the oil supplies via his own eco terrorist group financed by his trust fund monies. The world’s oil is being destroyed fast and there is a race to stop it…but it eventually fails after the series spending time concentrated in shit that makes no sense and huge plot holes you could sail a modern cruise ship through and sideways.

But fear not because the ending is bright. After about 6 months or so according to the way the series ends, people got together in the World, eschewed governments and suddenly there was world peace and free energy from…. no fucking idea, they cannot even explain how. How people got together worldwide when there is no power to even recharge their cellphones is one of those mysteries they avoid explaining. Apparently, they hint that everybody is now not only Vegan but grow stuff in the balconies of the buildings…. fuck it, I cannot keep cataloguing the many masturbatory dreams they tried to portray and how they do not care how many people they kill or will be killed.

This is a movie by Enviromentals who the only green thing they have ever grown was the mold in the caulk of their bathrooms.

Save yourselves and avoid this battery-operated train wreck.

* For some reason, my brain seems to remember a similar plot from a book or movies from the 70s. If there is such thing, these idiots are not even original, but at least they recycled something.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on ““Last Light”: A Vegan Environmentalist’s Wet Dream.”
  1. It was part of a Clive Cussler/Dirk Pitt novel. Evil man invents bacteria that eats oil to chew up Americas oil… ya “vegan”, old indian word for “dont know how to hunt”.. my uncle Mick lives in the uk, he posted a photo of a bunch of “vegans” camped out in front of milk coolers in a store to prevent people from buying milk cause ZOMG!!! It comes from cows or some such stupid. Good illustration of lefty liberals- I dont like something so NOBODY can have it. It looked like a great place to take a leak..

  2. There are already bacteria that eat oil. There’s lots of energy in oil, and we’re not the only ones who use it. Hydrocarbons and carbohydrates aren’t that different, and oil seeps from deposits under the sea and above ground — and some life has found a way to use it.

    Now, I’ve only seen the first season, but a counter is “Occupied” — a Norwegian miniseries where the Norwegians decide to no longer drill for oil, but to mine thorium and build reactors for everyone. Russia, dependent on natural gas income, pressures the rest of Europe to not play along and eventually decides to just take Norway over — I don’t remember the pretext, but it was something totally believable like “concerned for the safety of ethnic Russians living and working in Norway” and staging a false flag atrocity.

  3. Like the movie ‘Transcendence’ (2014), a couple of FBI agents and the main character’s SO unilaterally cause a worldwide technological collapse to stop the main character from creating a utopia/dystopia.

    How many hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people died of starvation, disease, exposure, etc due to their decision?

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