By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Latest crime in America: Sing the National Anthem in a plane”
    1. There are people here who feel like I am a “doom and gloom” commenter. So I am just going to sit here and be a regular ray of sunshine while I await the news that Trump has fixed everything by completing his game of 7d chess.

  1. I will not say the Pledge again.
    My American flags have been retired, and I will fly the Soviet hammer and sickle now.

  2. So, you say you want a revolution?

    Because, if you ARE going to get a revolution, my guess is that THIS is how you get a revolution.

  3. All of the news articles “covering” this story have only one or two lines about the passengers, and multiple paragraphs conflating the passengers to the “violent” Trump rally in DC while using the typical smears against Conservatives. Nothing about how the airline is supposed to have justified treating their customers like this.

  4. In many urban places, flying an American Flag is already tacitly illegal. Fly one and you’ll be vandalized, reported on, watched…

    And how many news stories over the last 30 years have we seen where flying a flag is against the HOA or ‘harms’ the refugees?

    1. Meanwhile, a neat little news tidbit in the paper the other mentioned an incoming member of Congress (from FL I think) whose office is next to that of Rashida Tlaib.
      She said she will have two flags outside her office: the US flag and the flag of Israel. Nice.

  5. A strange revolution at the capital. Thousands of supposed revolutionarys showed up with no weapons, ammo or any kind of supplies for a possible fire fight with police, FBI. Swat, national guard. The only equipment was a fur hat with horns and face paint.

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