By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Layer and Layers of Editorial Malpractice: People are Hungry in the Trump Regime”
  1. Various “civil rights” organizations have claimed that my neighborhood in North Portland is part of a “food desert” and this is proof of “systemic racism.”

    My neighborhood contains a Safeway, two New Seasons, one WholeFoods, and one Natural Grocerers; a half dozen Seven-Elevens* and half again as many non-chain convenience stores; and dozens upon dozens upon dozens of restaurants, food carts, bars, and such like.

    They defined a “food desert” as anyplace where the median income was below the national median income and residents had to travel more than a mile (one freakin’ mile) to get to a grocery store. When critics pointed out that most of these “food deserts” were, in fact, filled with grocery stores and that the one mile distance was quite silly they moved the goalposts. Now the food has to be suitably “affordable,” not that they ever tell us what that fucking means.

    * One of which I work at part-time. Try the new boneless barbecue wings, they’re great.

    1. Our nearest convience store is 6 miles north of me and seven miles south. Nearest grocery is 14 miles north and 16 miles east… geesh maybe the dems will send me some food cause im STARVIN in this desert, or is it dessert???(theres chocolate pie in the fridge). I just luv all these pc made up words-food desert food insecurity, wtf.

    2. It’s Mother Jones. Those Stalinist unprintables won’t be happy until they are licking bowls in a gulag.

  2. Ya. THEY look hingry. Ya know, I am sssooi sick and tired of “Anericans are hungry, food insecure, kids are starving” BULLSHIITE. look at all the democrat programs to feed the hungry. Friggin “poor” people eat wY better than me and I make 70 grand a year.
    Fuk em. A little dose of reality might do em some good. Heres an idea- GET A FUKKIN JOB. HAVE A LITTLE PRIDE and go DO something. Im not braggin, 3 years ago I tore my quad tendon off my knee cap. After surgery on the 25 Aug I had seven weeks in a knee immobilizer. I went back to work on Sept 1st, no way was I sittin around for seven weeks doin nothing. This knuckle draggin neanderthal can do it so can these people.

  3. Of course the Dems are blaming Trump for not signing the atrocious “stimulus” bill, but still refuse to take any of the blame for actually crippling their own economies. The disease called Covid hasn’t shut down any businesses. The politicians could start to fix these unemployment and food lines literally overnight. Just let people get back to work.

    This is so flipping infuriating.

  4. Oh, I dunno. I mean, it’s not like Mrs. Pelosi held a (d) majority in the house. How could she have initiated a clean wuflu relief bill under those circumstances?

    And, seriously, you cannot expect the sad panda gender studies majors in Bagwanistan to do without American tax dollars?!!? You’re literally Hitler if you believe for a second that Congress weasels (apologize to weasels everywhere for maligning their good name) have a primary duty to their constituents!

    What? Did you expect these assholes to pass a clean bill before the election, hell, even November 5th?

    sarc, off.

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