After the familiar nightmare about oversleeping and missing a final exam or a big job interview, waking up usually brings relief. But for 21-year-old Deandre Somerville the nightmare came after he actually overslept for jury service in a Florida courtroom. A judge later punished him with a 10 day jail sentence.

A judge sentenced Somerville to the jail time, plus one year on probation and 150 hours of community service after he failed to serve on a jury Aug. 21. Somerville was released Sunday and has a hearing scheduled Friday.

Florida Man Oversleeps Jury Duty, Goes to Jail for 10 Days

“ZOMG! That awful, I mean everybody has overslept once or twice, tight? I bet you cash money the judge is a white racist mofo.”

“See? What did I tell you! Black LIves Matter!”

This is one of those things you can smell the biased writing by just clicking on the link.  Let’s continue reading:

But he missed his alarm and woke up around 11 or 11:30 a.m. It was almost time to head to his afternoon job so he didn’t bother going to the courthouse or calling the bailiff. He just hoped it would all just work out.

It gets better.

“At work, I was looking on my phone thinking, ‘What’s the worst case scenario that could happen?’ I thought maybe I would get a fine or something like that,”

And here the narrative starts to really stink:

He was out playing basketball when his worried grandmother called to say there was a police officer at the door with a court summons.

Please notice you are not being told how long passed between his failure to appear for Jury Duty and being taken to the judge. I finally found this line in Unilad UK:

Alas, jury duty is no joke. In the days following, Somerville was served with a subpoena to go before the judge.

So basically our young abused hero decided not to how up to court at all. He was not late the day of duty or missed that day but went the next, no: He simply did not went back at all.

I was checking for the penalties associated with jury duty and found something a bit chilling: They are as the Judge decide to be so I am assuming Deandre pissed the judge enough to get nailed with everything short of a felony. My take is that he found jury duty so boring, he decided to play hooky and “hope for the best.”

And let us not forget our friends of NBC 6 Miami who maintain their ill gained reputation to play loose with the facts with this report. Let us not forget they are the station that edited the 911 recordings of George Zimmerman to make him look racist.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Layers and layers of editorial dishonesty”
  1. Actions having consequences is raaaaacist.

    Everyone knows that black people have no independent agency. Assuming that they’re capable of free will and personal choice is white supremacy.

  2. Wait, has jury duty changed in the last few years?

    My last jury duty summons in Miami Dade county was just calling the phone number for a few days.

    1. I only needed to call once, to listen to a recorded message telling me I didn’t need to show up (some plea bargain or similar making a jury unnecessary).

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