By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Layers and layers of editorial Oversight: NYPD Lawsuit”
  1. I understand the fear that many officers have if being doxed. The requirements of many agencies is that an officer must identify themselves when asked.

    The issue is that the bad actors can and some do refuse.

    So we now have a situation where all cops are being targeted and good ones are getting swept up in this rush to punish bad acting police.

    1. I hate to say it, but this is what happens when an organization protects or ignores its own bad actors, or hopes they’ll just go away or straighten out on their own, rather than dealing with them early.

      It’s not just law enforcement, of course, and sometimes other factors like unions make it harder to do. But … those aren’t excuses that anyone outside is going to care about once it goes past a certain point.

  2. I talk about Union Protection in terms of the local Teachers Union. There are actually laws on the books that make it impossible to say anything negative about a teacher in official records.

    If you go to the school board meetings and say “Teacher X is a bad teacher because of A, B, C, D, E and F” they will strike it from the record and will ask you to stop. If you don’t stop, you will be removed from the meeting.

    It is considered a “personal issue” which are discussed by the board members in the closed session (vs the public part, which you are allowed to see). Nothing in the closed session is allowed to be discussed outside of the closed session.

    If you complain to the Superintendent that is not recorded. Your complaints can be round filed with nothing ever happening.

    If there is a teacher with a history of bad performance. As in they don’t actually do their job, nothing is ever done and nobody outside of the school staff knows it.

    When we had our kids in the public schools, we requested particular teachers for them. One of the teachers we did not choose spoke to my wife as a co-worker and asked why she wasn’t asked to teach one of our kids. My wife couldn’t say “Because you are a poor teacher.”

    Everybody on staff knows the bad teachers. If they have students in the same school they try to keep their kids out of those classrooms. Yet I’m told there is no way to have any sort of professional evaluation of teachers. No objective measurements.

    A teachers pay is based entirely on: Which school system, how many years they have been teaching, how many degrees and at what levels.

    I teacher with 2 degrees (BS and Master) and 25 years “teaching” but who uses the same handouts they have used for the last 15 and who do nothing for their kids and who by all accounts are “just putting in their time” is paid a higher salary than the new teacher with a degree and 5 years of “teaching” who inspires their kids and who actually *teaches*

    And of course the teachers union has not endorsed a single republican canidate in over 20 years in our state.

  3. The Philly police look like the typical black bar over the badge when an officer does thing, if you look at the officer next to him the black bar is much higher. There is enough room for doubt there.

    The second one seems like pretty clear concealment to me.

  4. Union rules and omerta seem to be the thing that needs fixing. Consider the Buffalo case, where two cops were suspended with pay (not fired) for good cause as is obvious to any observer. The response is that their 47 colleagues on that task force all quit (the task force, not the PD) in protest.
    Unfortunately, the obvious answer — fire them all — won’t happen. After all, these bad things happen almost always in democrat-controlled places, and one thing we know about democrats is that they are owned by the union bosses.

  5. In the Philadelphia pic that is a bereavement ribbon an officer is allowed to wear as prescribed by the chief. I, as a firefighter will be allowed to wear the same ribbon to mourn the death of a fellow member. I also really don’t care what RT aka Russian state TV have to say about anything. The Chicago cop is a totally different matter. I might do the same thing if I had to work for the administration of Mayor Lightfoot

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