Life is a bitch when the opposition plays using your tactics.

And this is the part when I am supposed to tell you we are to be the nice people and not to resort to the same violence our enemies use, but lately I have not been feeling quite my usual self. I may have to go get one of then Wuhan V. tests to make sure I am OK.

Update: Found a longer version in Youtube. I am shocked how these mob was behaving: Not storefronts getting bricks through the plate glass, vehicles driving by unmolested, no looting, no arson. What kind of sick violent mob is this and why didn’t the cops deployed tear gas and rubber bullets?
/sarcasm off> 


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Leftie wears the other side’s shoe, finds it uncomfortable and calls for the cops. (Update)”
  1. I wonder if our friend wants to give that entire “de-policng” thing just a leeetle more thought?

    As the guy said:”that door is locked for YOUR protection!”

    1. The “defund the police” thing will end when the realize that nobody will come and save them when either the thugs see them as easy pickings or we decide to kick the shit out of them.

  2. I do wonder what they thought they’d accomplish by “demonstrating” in a small town.

    BTW — that’s not Bethel, KY, but Bethel, OH. I thought I recognized the street — I grew up about eight miles south of there, and at the other end of that street was the closest pizza place until I was around 15. And, no, they didn’t deliver.

    Anyway, they’re in front of the Grant Memorial, which used to be the town library.

  3. I love the comment that the person recording had “The cops should just leave and let us handle it.” or something like that.

    The cops were there to protect the “demonstrators’ not to protect the town from the demonstrators. And the people were so rude, when the cops asked them to get back on the sidewalk they just did it.

    Regardless, the people “demonstrating” had a right to do it, the people had a right to yell and scream as much as they wanted at each other. It shouldn’t come to hands on.

  4. No idea who any of these people are but:
    A – That guy took a hit basically without flinching, good for him.
    B – lol The guy that hits him looks disappointed that he didn’t lay him out and walked away like man I ain’t playing if you aren’t gonna play along…
    C – If that happened to me directly in front of the police who then subsequently did nothing, it would do nothing to convince me they serve any purpose.

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