So much for unity, Senate Democrats are going to destroy the Biden Administration over Woke ideology.

From USA Today:

‘Insulting’: Sen. Tammy Duckworth says she won’t support non-diverse Biden nominees because of lack of AAPI representation

Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., told reporters Tuesday she would not support any more of President Joe Biden’s non-diversity nominees until he appoints more Asian-Americans to his Cabinet.

Biden’s Cabinet — which is shaping up to be the most diverse in U.S. history – does not include a single Cabinet secretary of Asian American or Pacific Islander descent. Every presidential Cabinet since 2000 has included an Asian American at the secretary level until now.

Duckworth told reporters that when she has brought up this issue in the past – and most recently last night – White House officials respond by pointing to Kamala Harris’ role as vice president, which is part of the cabinet. Harris is the first African American and South Asian American woman to be elected vice president.

Duckworth, who was born in Thailand, said the notion the Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) community doesn’t “need anybody else is insulting.”

“That is not something you would say to the Black caucus, ‘Well, you have Kamala, we’re not going to put any more African Americans in the Cabinet because you have Kamala.’ Why would you say it to AAPI?” Duckworth asked.

“You know, I will vote for racial minorities and I will vote for LGBTQ, but anybody else I’m not voting for,” Duckworth stated.

There you have it, two sitting United States Senators making it absolutely crystal clear that they intend to violate every civil rights act in the country to make sure that no heterosexual white person is allowed to have a cabinet position.

They will vote entirely on the basis of skin color and sexual orientation.

The Democrats have managed to go full circle in about half a century, from openly discriminating based on race back to openly discriminating based on race.

Woke Progressives are every bit as racist as the Klan, and both birthed from the same political party.

They should suffer real consequences for this, but like the Klan-backed Democrats of the 1950s and 1960s, they know that they get their authority from the racist backing of racist constituents.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Leftist are racist garbage that eat their own”
  1. Biden has given her the Affirmative Action Cabinet, and she’s bitching that it’s not AA enough?
    It would be comical if it weren’t for the fact that her position gives her power over sane and honest citizens.

  2. So much for competence at the highest levels of the US Government.

    A minority is perfectly capable of performing the duties of a Cabinet position, but their status as a minority does not make them qualified. (DOT Sec. Pete for instance…)

    The problem is the left equates “what you are” with “what you can do.” The more checkmarks you have under the what you are category, the more capable you are of accomplishing anything at all.

    1. Well, we know that a focus on competence is a sign of white supremacist thinking, the Smithsonian Institution told us so. Of course, they also said that a desire for color blind policies was a sign of white supremacism also, which MLK would have considered a rather insane thing to say.

  3. Stupid is as stupid does. And they do. They need a handicapped… er, “differently abled” white person to be nominated, just to make Duckworth squirm.

  4. Everyone is racist when the chips are down or when they simply feel ethnic solidarity. Having a nation and people is “racist”. How soon before the border states speak nothing but Spanish and the law, habits, holidays, heroes, cooking, clothes, education, arts and culture are Spanish / Mexican? Which is natural in a self loving people. The Tower of Babel (model for many globo buildings) is testament to humans attempting to rise above Nature and failing. I suppose globo govt thinks they can do it.

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