What did Ramirez do?

John Ramirez stabbed Pablo Castro 29 times in 2004

Ramirez was with two other women when they confronted Castro outside a Times Market on July 19, 2004. They were looking for money for drugs, according to previous Caller-Times reporting.

According to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Ramirez beat and kicked Castro and stabbed him 29 times with a 6-inch serrated knife. The group left the scene with $1.25.

The state executing a man who was duly convinced in a court of law after confessing his guilt to a judge for stabbing a store clerk 29 times to steal a buck twenty five is just like aborting an unborn child for convenience.

Fucking human colostomy bags full of shit morals.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Leftist Democrats are human garbage with no morals”
  1. The only travesty here is that it took 17 years to put this human-shaped corruption into the ground.

  2. “We need a consistent life ethic.” — Dan Green (@DanielGreenMN”

    My Life Ethic is very consistent. I do not like killing innocent babies. I have no problem with killing guilty convicted criminals.

  3. And, I bet this individual is perfectly OK with denying life saving healthcare to anyone who is not COVIDVAXXED.

    Something about glass houses…

  4. The voters of Texas do have a consistent life ethic: it is wrong to kill innocent people.

    They passed one law that prohibits surgeons from killing innocent people after their sixth week in utero, they passed another law that prohibits everyone from fatally plunging a knife into anyone else.

    Seems pretty consistent to me.

  5. This guy is hardly a “leftist.” You may or may not agree with him, but its not an entirely unreasonable position.

    If I had my way, I’d abolish the death penalty – not because it isn’t deserved, and not because I’m opposed on any moral grounds to executions; I am not. As a practical matter, it simply is too expensive, it is ineffectual at reducing general murder rates, and there is the certainty, at some point, of executing someone for something they did not do. It has happened before, and will happen again, simply because we are human and are not infallible.

    I’m sure many of you disagree, and I completely understand your position. I think there might be a way to modify death penalty laws to resolve my doubts, but in our current political climate, I see no chance whatsoever of any such changes.

    BTW – that a person may have confessed does not, by itself, allay my concerns. Fully 1/4 of persons determined to be innocent of the crimes they were convicted of by DNA evidence unavailable at the time of their conviction, believe it or not, confessed to the crimes they could not have committed. The current generally used technique of police interrogation, known as the Reid technique, is particularly susceptible to false confessions. If a suspect is convinced (by officers who are free to lie to him, BTW) that the best option he has is to confess to a crime, even if he didn’t commit it, he will often do so.

    1. Except he’s not objecting because of the prospect of power abuse by the state. He’s attempting to make a moral argument over the death penalty versus abortion, which is pants on head retarded to anyone with more than a fistful of firing neurons.

      I can appreciate your dislike of the death penalty on the grounds you cite. Hell, I’m right there with you. But he’s not making the argument you think he is.

    2. The only reason the death penalty is expensive is that modern courts and modern leftists have made it so. If it were considered an ordinary sentence with ordinary appeals processes, it wouldn’t be any big deal. And a length of rope is cheap, too.

  6. Well put.

    The twit on Twitter is too woke (or stupid, same thing) to realize we already have “a consistent life ethic.” Others have already noted it here. No one has the right to take innocent life. It’s not a complicated idea.

  7. I find myself torn by the death penalty.

    Some people need to not be walking the planet anymore. Butt apart from making mistakes, giving any government the right to kill its own citizens, can lead to some ugly places.

  8. I wish I could share the video of the husband in the parking lot holding up a sign to his wife in the ICU as she spent 10 days until she died of covid and the rat bastards at the hospital wouldn’t let him in to see her. Fuck Ramirez there are actual people who have died alone this year.

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