This one really pissed me off:

Roe v. Wade overturned: Churches in several US states vandalized in wake of abortion ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark ruling that legalized abortion nationwide, sent shock waves across the country. Abortion foes cheered the ruling, while abortion-rights supporters expressed dismay and pledged to fight to restore such rights.

Ultimately, some churches became the targets of that anger — with vandalism, graffiti, and even arson reported.

In Washington state, a Catholic Church was vandalized on June 24 just hours after the Supreme Court’s ruling was published.

Authorities in Renton, Washington, a suburb of Seattle, said the suspect spray-painted messages that included, “Abortions save lives” and “F!!! you” across the building. Nearly all the outside locks were jammed with a hardening substance, and four stained-glass windows were found shattered, according to police. The suspect also broke into the church, stealing money from four donation boxes.

Days later in the nearby city of Bellevue, police arrested a suspect on June 28 for allegedly spray-painting another Catholic church, smashing two doors, and assaulting an employee. The incident, which occurred in broad daylight at St. Louise Catholic Church, was being investigated as a hate crime.

In Portland, protests following the Supreme Court’s abortion ruling erupted in the days following.

A sign at the All Saints Parish in the city’s Laurelhurst neighborhood was spray-painted with a red message that stated: “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you,” according to the local Christian newspaper Catholic Sentinel.

Similar attacks including vandalism, graffiti, iconoclasm, and arson occurred in Louisiana, Texas, New York, and Florida.

These radical Leftists, like Leftists before in Europe, Asia, and Canada are destroying religions institutions and churches.

This is unmitigated evil.

Remember that in Canada almost 70 churches were burned last year after an erroneous story was published about unmarked graves at a Indian residential school.

The media has not covered either story much.

The Church has values of life that go against the Left’s religion of Progressiveness and so Leftists destroy churches.

But remember, it’s white supremacists marching with Betsy Ross flags that are big threat in America right now. That’s what the DOJ says.

We are living in a Soviet-like banana republic where Leftist terrorists can get away with anything.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Leftist terrorists cranking up the violence knob attacking chruches”
  1. In Portland, protests following the Supreme Court’s abortion ruling erupted in the days following.

    A sign at the All Saints Parish in the city’s Laurelhurst neighborhood was spray-painted with a red message that stated: “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you,” according to the local Christian newspaper Catholic Sentinel.

    This is uber-“Progressive” Portland, in uber-“Progressive” Oregon. Abortions ARE safe here by policy. On top of that, post-Roe, the legislature will move to formally codify abortion access up to delivery.

    But being “Progressives”, the spray-painted message is incomplete.

    It should read: If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you. If abortions are safe, you’re still not.

    1. Note that they do not mean they want getting an abortion to be safe — they regularly oppose higher standards for medical care and safety at abortion mills — but they mean the rite of abortions is safe. They don’t care about the women; they want to protect their license to slaughter.

  2. But… but…
    Those churches might be supporting the dreaded no-kill pregnancy centers! Think of it – there might be alternatives to Planned Parenthood! And without the constant stream of abortions, how will our vampire gerontocrats get their immortality treatments? (Or do they have a pact with Moloch, requiring constant sacrifices? I’m a little fuzzy on the ways of the Overclass.)

  3. Is anyone else getting “you’re posting too fast” errors? Just happened to me and I hadn’t posted in hours.

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