These people don’t know a single fucking thing about Palestine, Hamas, or Islam, but the opportunity to hate Jews and fly their particular brand of Leftism is something they can’t resist.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Leftists know nothing about geopolitics, they just hate Jews”
  1. LGBTQ, in other words all those people who’d get their heads cut off if their favorite terrorists came to power?
    That’s certainly “useful idiots” with a vengeance.

  2. Sheikh Jarrah is all about Squatters Rights.

    The Palestinians residents of Sheikh Jarrah were given the land by Jordan after Jordan invaded Israel during the Wars of Independence. The land was owned by Jews until they were ethnically cleansed out of Jordanian controlled Jerusalem by Jordan in 1948. After 40 some years of lawsuits, the Jewish landowners finally will get their land back after the Palestinian residents even refused compromises like keeping possession, but paying rent.

  3. Wait a second here.

    Isn’t Israel the only country in the Middle East that grants rights to the LGBTQWERTTWHATEVER crowd? Don’t the rest of the countries have laws making homosexual behavior illegal?

    Yeah. The alternative lifestyle crowd needs to get rid of that for sure.

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